The Hunt

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"You little-" George pushed him up against the wall making Malfoy chuckle before pushing him off.

"As much as I'd live to play your little games, I was kidding. But I do have somewhere to be so.." he looked at George before walking away leaving him alone in the corridor.

The rest of the group hadn't even tried looking for her, hating the person she'd turned into. But George still had a small shred of hope that she was still in there and she was somehow gonna come back from this.

He stormed into the common room and up the dorm to his and Fred's shared room. Fred was in bed with his favorite book. A book he and Noelle had read together over a span of 2 weeks, but now he couldn't seem to get past a page without crying.

George ripped the book from his hand and threw it at the wall.

"What the hell mate!" Fred yelled standing up but being pushed back against the wall.

"She's fucking gone Fred. Gone! So you need to get your shit together and help me find her because this is your fault. Her becoming a bitch was your fault. Her fight with Hermione was your fault. So your gonna find her and undo this mess you started."

Fred scoffed and pushed his brother off of him. "I didn't start shit George. Good to know who's side you take though." He sighed and sat back in his bed.

"You cheated, seems like your fault to me."



"No." He repeats.

"What the fuck do you mean?" George asks him and sits beside him throwing his hands up.

"Maybe if you guys would have listened you'd know I didn't even touch Angelina, but all of you were so ready to assume and accuse."

"Then- the letter...we all read it."

"The letter Angelina wrote? Yeah that, she wrote that to get at Noelle. I was never with her. She just wanted to break us up." He states calmly, going back to his book he picked up off the floor.

"Why'd you let us all believe it then? This could have all been avoided."

"Clearly you guys don't trust me enough to even believe that I wouldn't cheat on the girl I love. And if I remember I tried to tell her and she said it was bullshit."

"Truth serum."

"What?" Fred questions looking up at his brother.

"We'll find her, and give you a truth serum. Then all this shit will go back to normal." He states looking down at Fred.

"Yeah? What we'll just magically get back together, she won't be a bitch, her and hermione will make up, the group will forgive her.. you really think it's all just gonna go away?" He asks, setting the book beside him.

"Isn't that what we all want? So let's find her and at least try!"

George stormed out of the room to the group who was all sitting in the commons, with Fred right behind him.

"Oh hey Fred." Lee and Ron said at the same time. Harry scoffed at the sight of him and Hermione just stared at him.

"We're going to look for Noelle." George sat down on the couch and stated his plan.

The group all gave each other looks before ignoring him completely and going back to their activities.

"Fred Didn't cheat. So once we find El and explain this to her, give Fred a truth serum, which we'll need you to brew hermione, thanks, everything will go back to normal. She'll be back with Fred, she won't be a bitch, you guys all make up and bam!"

Hermione laughed, causing all eyes to fall on her.

"You think after what happened I can just forgive and forget?" She asks, looking up at George.

"She didn't mean it. You know that."

"Do I? Do I know that?"

"Yes you do. She isn't herself right now. Clearly. She didn't mean it she was just in a mood because of my git of a brother."

"Whatever. If we find her and she's 'back to normal' maybe I'll forgive." She sighs setting her book to the side and standing up.

"Okay great we'll go in pairs. Harry and Ron. Fred and I, Hermione you can go with Ron and Harry." George stated leading the groups out and pointing which way they should go. They all left their separate ways and began the search for Noelle, who had been missing for 4 days, they were all ready for her to come home.

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