Hatred and no Hope

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Noelle couldn't cry anymore. Her tears eventually stopped forming and she would just lie in bed, go to class, go to the great hall, and lie in bed again.

As for Fred...he wouldn't leave his room. For being the cheater and not the one being cheated on, he was acting quite hurt. As much as it hurt for Noelle his pain seemed to be doubled.

Her friends stayed out of her way at all costs, as she tended to be a bitch at anything near her, which the rest of the students soon learned.
"Hey could I borrow some i-"

"Piss off would you." She rolled her eyes and went back to her potions homework leaving the poor young ravenclaw a confused and distraught mess.

George would bring Fred his assignments and dinner. Scared to see the sight of his brother and best friend in their ways. Hermione tried her best to be there for Noelle but she seemed to be just pushing people away.

There had been hope for Noelle until one Thrusday afternoon in potions which they had with the Slytherins, who were as well scared to cross the path of Noelle Black.

She had made it to class late, leaving the only seat next to Draco Malfoy. She sat down and looked at Hermione who was to the left of her who had a simpathetic smile on her face. The two hadn't talked since their incident in the hall way and Noelle tried to keep it that way, but Draco couldn't seem to keep his mouth shut. This is where the hope disintegrated, and all hell broke loose.

"Noelle come one we have to talk about this. You kissed me, and as much as I hate you and your loser friends, I want to know why."

"Draco, listen to me cause this is the last time I'm going to say anything. I kissed you because I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me and you were the closest to me, so now, kindly piss off." She rolled her eyes and went back to her assignment before Draco gripped onto her quill.

"Really? Cause it seemed like you quite enjoyed that kiss." He smirked as Hermione interrupted.

"Leave her alone Malfoy." She stated looking at him with stern eyes.

"If you don't shut it I'll shove this quill so far up your arse granger-" she put her hand over dracos mouth shutting him up and looking over at Hermione who had a taken-aback look on her face. She let go of his mouth and he sighed.

"Filthy mud-blood" he spat at her, and here...here was the mistake that crashed their hope.

Noelle laughed. A short, quiet chuckle. But clearly loud enough for Hermione to hear. She looked at the girl before scoffing and leaving the class.

"MISS GRANGER!" Snape yelled after her but it was no use, she was long gone. And for the rest of her friends, Noelle had been to.
After her last class she walked into the common room to see all of her friends, George, Lee, Harry, Ron, and hermione sitting in the room talking amongst each other. She tried to pass them and get to her room but was quickly spotted by Lee who pointed at her and George sat up grabbed her arm and yanked her to the couch.

She sat with a scoff and her arms crossed waiting for the speech about to come.

"Why?" Hermione asked her, looking into her eyes trying to find a shred of guilt.

"What?" Noelle asked, confused at the question.

"You laughed...he called me a mud-blood and you laughed. I thought you were my best friend?"

"Yeah? And I thought you were smarter then this not to make a big deal out of something as small as that." She scoffed and stood up but George's grip pulled her back down.

"Listen Noelle, I'm sorry about that thing that happened with Fred, yeah it sucks, but we need you back to how you were. Right now, because this isn't you. You aren't a bitch, and you don't go laughing at people who make fun of your friends, especially Malfoy, so get a grip on yourself or piss off." Harry bluntly said making all eyes fall on Him instead of Noelle.

"This is me. I was screwed over. And this is what happens. Maybe you, Granger, should stop being such a prude and go out and get some. Then when he screws you over, come find me and we'll talk."

"What the hell did you just say to her?" Ron stands up but Hermione pulls him back down. "Unlike you, I wouldn't be like this. I would cry and get over it. So you- you can go- piss off." She cries out, trying to stop the tears from forming in her eyes.

"Gladly." She smirks and stands up to walk out of the common room.

They hadn't seen her for days. She disappeared. She stopped showing up for classes and meals. She stopped going on the trips to hogsmeade with her friends. It was as if she wasn't here anymore.

"Malfoy, have you seen Noelle?" George asks without any sort of emotion in his voice as he passes the blonde in the hall.

"Black? Oh ummm yeah last time I checked she was In my bed."

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