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The next morning they woke up and sped to breakfast,  sitting in their usual seats, except this time Ginny had joined them at their spot.

"Oh hey Gin!" Noelle smiles as she walks over and sits down beside the young Weasley.

"Hey Noelle." She replies, moving over to make room for her friends and siblings.

"I heard what happened with Josh, I'm so sorry." Ginny put her hand on Noelles shoulder as she looked at the girl confused.

The conversation around them stopped and they all turned to look at Noelle and Ginny.

"Josh?" She asks, looking to Fred and then around the table.

"She meant to say Draco. Yeah..Draco not josh.."

They all eyes Ginny to go along with it so she looked back at Noelle and nodded.

"Yeah..Draco. We haven't talked in a While and I heard about like him trying to get with you and stuff..."

"What!?" Fred asked, spilling over his drink as he turned quickly to look at his girl friend.

"Ya know..I think I'm gonna go." Ginny said as she stood up and went to sit with Neville.

"Harry have you figured out the egg yet?" Hermione asked, trying to change the subject.

"Bloody hell mione it's been less then 12 hours" he replied, pushing his plate away from him and putting his head on the table.

The day went by quickly and the light from the sun started to fade as Fred and Noelle stood out in the courtyard. Looking up at the sky pointing out constellations to each other. Ignoring the cold and the wind and the darkness and just enjoying each other's company.

"Do you think someday we'll actually have a joke shop and a cafe?" Noelle asks, putting her hand down from pointing up at the sky and turning to face Fred.

"Well...me and George have already started the making of the sweets so I'd say you just need to be good at making coffee and we're all set." He smiled down at her,  placing a kiss on her head before looking back up at the night sky.

"I can make coffee you git." She laughed, pushing him away and standing up, spinning herself around a tree.

"It's gonna rain." Fred said, wiping a single droplet of water off his forehead.

"Even better."

"What?" He asked as his words were drowned out with the noise of water splattering everywhere around them. He sighed and put his jacket above Noelles head, leaning to her height. "I told you."

"I didn't doubt you. I just want to dance." She smiled and pushed away his jacket, joining him in the downpour as she took his hand and ran with him towards the black lake.

She pulled him towards a tree on the edge of the lake, sitting down with him as he looked her up and down.

"What?" She asked with a smile on her face,  looking up at him and back at the lake.

"I could get used to this." He replied, wiping the rain off her face which was just replaced with more.

"Used to what?" She looked back at him and he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. The rain seemed to silence around them and in that moment it was just the two of them, alone, under a tree in the rain.

"MR. WEASLEY, MISS BLACK GET INSIDE BEFORE YOU CATCH A COLD, I SWEAR YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF ME!" Professor Mcgonagall  yelled from the window of her office. The two looked up at her and at first they couldn't see her but soon their vision cleared and they both waved with big smiles on their faces before they stood up together.

"I'll race you." Noelle challenges, already making a run for the castle.

He chased after her, pulling her by her waste as they entered the castle together,  laughing and soaking from the rain. They were greeted with Professor Snape and Professor Mcgonagall at the entrance holding towels.

"Thank you." Noelle smiled, taking the towel from Snape and wrapping it around herself. Fred took the other and put it around his shoulders, pulling Noelle in to him by her waste so they were both under his.

"Filch! Clean up this mess please." Mcgonagall ordered as she directed the couple back to their common room.

"Have a good night you two." She smiled as she walked away from the portrait. Shaking her head as she descended down the stairs, laughing to herself, and reminiscing about when she was a teenager.

"You guys are absolutely ridiculous." George sighed as they entered the common room, still laughing and wrapped in towels.

"Your gonna get colds!" Hermione yelled, sending drying spells their way. They dropped their towels and sat together on the couch.

"We could see you from the window. Dancing in the rain and star gazing." Emily said as she moved to sit next to her best friend.

Noelle blushed as Fred smiled to her and moved her onto his lap, bushing his fingers through her hair and his free hand resting on her thigh.

"It was amazing! We were just pointing out constellations and then it started raining so we just ran around and danced. We talked about the joke shop, and how we need to learn to make coffee." She stopped to laugh before looking behind at her boyfriend. "I think We'll own a cafe right next door. Or maybe a flower shop." She continued, placing a kiss on his lips before quickly pushing away and looking back at Emily.

"What do you think? Coffee of flowers?"

"Cafe for sure. We can bring the boys frappes on their breaks." She smiled, turning to look at her own boyfriend.

"Sounds brilliant." George replied, wrapping his arms around her, hugging her from behind on the sofa.

Sitting in the common room that night, surrounded by all her friends, the most important people in her life, Noelle could admit that she hadn't felt this happy in a long time.

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