The Shrikeing Shack

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"Harry wait up!" Noelle yelled as she chased after the golden trio down to Hagrids hut. "Harry!" She finally caught up to the group just as they went inside. We offered to stay with him while they executed buck beak but he assured it wasn't necessary and we needed to leave.

"Ow!" Harry yelped as he was hit in the back of his head with a rock.

"What was that?" Noelle asked picking up the stone and messing with it in between her fingers.

"Guys their coming!" Harry said as he waved everyone to the back door.

They walked out of the hut and behind some big pumpkins making their way up a big hill awaiting the death. The 4 looked away comforting the two girls who were unable to stop crying.

"Ow! Scabbers bit me! Scabbers wait!" Ron yelled, chasing after the rat who managed to undermine the womping willow and get beneath it.

"Ron behind you!" Noelle yelled as a big black dog appeared behind Ron, dragging him beneath the tree. Running at it she was soon dragged back by Harry.

"What are you doing! That's a womping willow it will kill you!" He shouted letting go of her wrist.

"I have to try Harry!" She replied running at the tree and doting its swing. She slid beneath it into the shrieking shack. She found Ron soon after on a bed holding scabbers.

"Oh you found him." She said gladly looking at him with a terrified look on his face. Eventually the room was filled.

"Harry hermione are you okay?" The girl asked running to the two teens who seemed a bit roughed up.

"G-guys! It's him..he's an animagus!" Ron shriked pointing at the door. Everyone turned around as the door slowly closed, Sirius black. Remus quickly filled in the room, hugging is long friend. There was a ring of silence around the room as everyone stood out of the way for Sirius to have an eye shot of his daughter. She ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burrowing her head In his chest, soaking his shirt with tears. He hugged her back, nearly falling over at his imbalance.

She finally let go and stepped back as he looked at Harry. He tackled Sirius to the ground pointing his wand at his neck.

"Harry no! Stop get off of him!" Noelle shouted as Remus held her back.

"You killed my parents!"

"No I didn't. But I know who did. And he's right there." Sirius replied pushing Harry off and standing, pointing at Ron.

"What!? Me?"

"No not you! Your rat. Peter petigrew."

The rat ran from Ron, trying to escape when Sirius shot him a spell, turning him back from rat to himself.

A lot had happened since that moment. A lot Noelle doesn't exactly remember. She had awoken in the hospital, along side Ron, who had been asleep. She sat up and looked at the claw marks on her arm. She walked out of the hospital wing and down to the corridors. She turned a corner to find Harry, Hermione, and Sirius.

"Dad.." the girl said as she came into contact with the three.


He got off of the hippogrif and gave the girl a hug, a tight hug that made her feel safe and protected but it was cut short when he pulled away.

"I don't know where I'll be for the time being...but I'll write as often as I can...we'll be back together soon, but til careful of your arm and nice to your godfather." She man laughed as he got back on buck beak.

"When will I see you again?" She asked backing away from the animal.

"Soon, I promise." Was the last thing he said before he flew off to wherever he planned on staying.

"We have to hurry back!" Hermione yelped as she ran for the stairs, Harry and Noelle following swiftly behind.

She had been scratched by Remus when she went after her dad before the dementors got him. It didn't hurt as much as when she woke up but she was assured it would be gone soon.

Ron had a minor injury to his foot, nothing pomfry couldn't fix.

And as for Harry, he couldn't be more stoked. Knowing that the only family he had left wasn't a serial killer. Knowing he had somewhere to go. Knowing he wasn't alone.

Fred hadn't stopped coddling Noelle ever since she was released from the hospital wing. Acting like she was made of glass and easily breakable. She wasn't exactly complaining, she liked this side of the red headed boy. Knowing how deeply worried he was and knowing how much he cared, it soothed her you could say.

"Okay Fred yeah yeah I get it no skate boarding in the hall while my arm is healing." She replied to Fred's stupid rules to keep her safe.

"Even though my arm is healed and I use my legs to board." She mocked. He crossed his arms and glared down at her.

"Okay okay I get it I promise I won't." She said taking his hand in hers and walking through to corridors to the great hall.

"Hey guys! Over here!" Ron yelled as we walked in, we got to the table to see a brand new unwrapped fire bolt.

"Woah who's is that!?" Noelle asked letting go of Fred's hand and looking down at the broom.

"Harry's!" He replied as Harry took it and ran to the courtyard with a bunch of students clamming behind him. He zoomed off into the distance leaving everyone behind him took aback by how fast it went.

"WOOO GO HARRY!" Was the last thing he heard as he flew off towards the sky, leaving the school behind in the distance.

This book isn't going by the storyline exactly but close enough.

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