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" You could've done better ya know, the last kick was terrible, I don't know how it made it into the goal." I looked out the window as my mom scolded me for my play.

 " I know, I tripped on a rock." She scoffed and kept driving until we pulled into the parking lot.

" I'm going out on the town don't do anything stupid." I nodded and then got out taking my backpack and my duffel bag. I walked up to the door and turned to see my mom already gone. I unlocked the door and walked in. 

" Great." I mumbled looking at the place, everything was trashed. I walked to my room and placed down my bag and took out my phone.

" Hey! Can you come over? My mom went out on the town."

I put my phone down and took out my dirty soccer clothes and then put them in my dirty hamper. My phone dinged and I walked back over to it.

" Of course you rat, I'll be there in an hour."

I laughed at the text and thought for a second before my fingers took over.

" I'm still trying to find your off button or maybe the lower volume button. I'll make dinner, you mole."

I brought my clothes downstairs and put them in the wash. I turned on a random playlist from YouTube and started cleaning up the place.

It's just my mom and I after my father left when I was 10, that was 7 years ago and doesn't bother me anymore. He took my sister with him who would be 14 now, he then filed for divorced and my parents then got divorced. I haven't seen them since they left. I text my sister once every few months but that's it. My mom went downhill from there, I learned at a young age to take care of her and myself. 

I learned to pay rent and taxes at 12 and learned to cook a filling meal at 11 after many failed attempts. I taught myself manners because those always go a long way. I never talked back to my mom after she threw a broken beer bottle at my back. I now have a scar that's like 6 inches long and very visible. 

Whenever I change in the locker room and the girls ask me what happened I tell them I fell out of a tree and a branch scraped me.

I looked around the place which was now clean and orderly. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a box of Mac n' cheese. The door opened and I looked over to see Jaz. 

There are sometimes I forget I gave her a key, she never fails to use it.

"Hey bitch." I laughed " hello dumbass." She laughed and walked over and sat at the chairs on the other side of the counter. I turned and got a pot and put water in it. 

 " How are you not dead?" I turned from watching the water " excuse me?" She looked me dead in the eyes " Eve you literally did a front flip and landed on your neck! You got up seconds later and did a freaking thumbs up to the ref and coach!" I turned the water off and put it on the stove.

 " Now you censor your sailor mouth?" I said with a smile, she laughed " this mouth gets more dick than you." I choked on air. " Jazmin I swear to god." She smiled.

This bit-

" Can you believe Jane is pregnant?" I leaned on the counter facing her. " Jaz think though, the dad of the baby is dead now." She looked down at the counter " Never liked guns." I hum in response. " How far along is she?" I asked, she looked back up " about 2 months." I nodded. I felt bad for her, I know her mainly cause we had chemistry together last year, got amazing grades so I'm not complaining. She's a cool girl either way.

" So what movies? Show?" She turned to the living room and walked over and turned on the TV. " I'm thinking Grey's. Maybe Glee?" I poured in the noodles " Criminal minds?" I heard her gasp " What?" I asked from the kitchen " There's a new season for Grey's!" I walked away from the stove and stood next to the couch " Huh, Grey's Anatomy it is. Start it and I'll listen from the kitchen." She nodded and turned on Grey's. I watched the noodles and stirred them.

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