Chapter 23: A New Aura

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Maurice and Nala descended down the long dimly lit hall hand in hand. Neither one said a word as they listened to their light footsteps and the squeaky wheels of the mobile IV pole. Nala began to unconscious dig her nails into the back of Maurice's hand. He felt the slight sting of his hand he looked down at Nala who was zoned out, gnawing at the inside of her jaw. He began to squeeze her hand, " Nala????"

He noticed her eyes were slightly glazed over and he stepped in front of her blocking her path. She slowly gain cognition and shifter her eyes upward to meet his as he stared down at her tentatively with his lips pressed together.

"you ok?" He asked in a whisper.
"N-no!" She burned out as he tears began to run down her face; she tried her best to hold in her overwhelming sobs. He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her body and letting his hands rest on the small of her back.
He pressed his lips against her forehead sending a chill through her body, she began to quiver.  Fearing that she might pass out on him he quickly secured his arms around her body, picking her up and lightly pulled her to the nearest room entrance. His face in a million frowns as the wheels of the IV pole screeching across the floor. He leaned against the wall with his legs open and his feet out past her Nala leaned against his as she he he used the wall for support. They stood out of sight in the long hallway. He let her cry in his chest as he looked around uncomfortably.
Where is my momma when I need her!!

"Maurice I-I'm so sorry." She sobbed into her chest.
"you good babe" He replied rubbing her back lightly. "You have nothing to be sorry for."
"But I do!" She exclaimed. "When I woke up from my surgery I laid there motionless hoping that this was the end. I knew something had happen and I wanted this to be the end soo bad." She pushed herself off of his chest and stood up straight. Not wanting to make any eye contact with him.

He pressed his back into the wall as he positioned his feet under his body and stood up straight. Not really liking what he was hearing his narrowed his eyes at her; not really knowing what he was hearing either... He didn't want to overreact.

"Ms. Karrington?" He called in a forcibly Mellow tone, placing his hands in the pocket of the grey sweatpants he'd had on since she went into labor. "what are you talking about right now?"

"Dying would have been so much better than running away" she replied with puppy dog eyes. "I don't think I can do this."

"Babe that's been you best friend for the past 6 months and now you think your not worthy of her?" He asked sarcastically as he pulled her closed feeling relieved. "I'd be lying t you if I say that you perfect.... Cuz you not....." He replied grabbing her cheeks and turning her head to face him; she looked lost. "But I never needed you to be perfect anyway...You always been worth it to me."
"Stop trying to use reverse psychology on me. I said that to you!" They both laughed and and she wrapped her arms around him. 

"Do you think I would have remembered that shit if you wasn't worth it girl look?" He asked playfully. "You already the best mommy that my sons could have ever had!"

Nala bit down on her bottom lip to try to disguise her smile. It didn't work. Soon after the smile faded and she sighed heavily."If you want to leave right now I'll let you...."

Nala stood quietly, she knew he wasn't serious...

"Only if I can go too. I'm not a good person without you and I aint shit as a father for real... I already screwed one child up, I don't want to do it again. Especially not with a little girl."

Nala leaned forward and softly kissed his neck a couple times. "Baby you perfect." She spoke against his skin.

Getting a little hot his left arm snaked across her body and he gripped her ponytail with his right hand and seductively pulled her head back. Nala parted her lips slightly and her eyes rolled in the back of her head as his lips latched on to her neck.

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