Chapter 24: Levels to This Ishhhh.....

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I wanted to switch some things up in this chapter... tell me what you think.

****2 years later******

Nala's .

I quickly scooped Aura  up out of her booster as L unbuckled himself and slipped on his backpack stepping out of the car into the Nevada evening Summer heat. I work a white cropped top, some red biker shorts and some fresh white air force ones. My diamond ankle bracelet lay perfect at the ball of my ankle...... I can't remember which "I'm sorry" gift this was meant to be. No time for strolling back through memory lane, I have a grand opening together to.

I grabbed  ahold of L's hand and walk swiftly toward the Spanish style Bungalow, knocking  on the thick Cherry oak door  as Aura laid her head on my color bone. She was going through one of her Episodes again. I don't know what it is but when Maurice isn't around she goes crazy.... When  they are together neither has a care in the world, she's playing and he's happy. But apart, something takes over my baby and she's just SOO out of control. Maurice tells me I'm overreacting but he doesn't see what I see. He's been gone a lot lately and it's starting to really take a toll on all of us.

I stood their impatiently as the door swing open and Maurice's Aunt Bella stood their smiling at us. Legend lunged at her body wrapping his arms around her she pats his head and pats Aura's Back.

"Hi TT Bella" I greet her leaning in for a hug with my one free arms. "Thank you SOO much for doing this on such short notice."

"It's no problem, anything for my favorite  nephews favorite girl!"

Am I really??......

"Where is he anyway?" She asked.

"Bella, your guess is as good as mine." I laugh following her into her house and into the living room which was filled with earth tones and a lingering aroma of burned sage. I loved Bellla, she always gave me Erica Badu vibes and could always be counted on when I needed a word and healing. Seeing how today was...... supposed to be my grand opening to my first night club here on the  Las  Vegas on the strip, BB and Momma Joyce wanted to come out and enjoy the night with me. My Aunt Erica couldn't make it, my brother has disappeared again and I have not seen or heard from Maurice (though he and a friend of his are  supposed to be special guest tonight) I needed all the support I could get.

I sat Aura down on the couch and she went right to a little wooden box that sat on the end table. I ran my fingers through one of her curly  pigtails and turned my attention to Bella who was giving me a look that Used that oozed concern. I smiled.

"We are fine .... I guess" i reassured her with a smile. " I know he's been working on his music and with his new artists. I've been dealing with the club here and possible one in Atlanta.... we've just been on two different  paths and I have grown to understand how he works and right now he needs his space."

Yea and a bat to the fucking temple too.

"Don't let temporary successes and pleasures lead you down a patch of loneliness." She responded in a blunt tone.

"Tell his ass  to meet me half way then." I rebutted with a sarcastic smile.

She shook her head and smiled. "Oh that pride is going to get the best of you. Him too. Both of you are like fire and ice. " 
I Prefer rain and fire but go off aunty.
I didn't have much time to spare so I kissed my babies hopped in my Aston Martin truck and sped to the club. I had about an hour and a half before the doors opened and I had no clue what I wanted to wear.
As I walked jogged you the third level and speed walked through my own personal VIP area I entered my office gasping for air.  Britney was standing in front of my desk arranging makeup pallets when she looked at me and smiled.

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