Author's Note

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Thank you for choosing to read this story! I really appreciate it! Please vote if you think I deserve it and comment about anything! Questions are also good, ask me anything! Any feedback is welcome.

This story is written from multiple POVs, to make it interesting, and because I write better that way, being able to convey what other characters are thinking. It gives me a broader range of topics to write about as well, which means less writer's block and quicker updates!

I might have a few slow updates at first, because I'm currently writing two other fanfics. Go check them out if you want: Survival: The Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games and The Mockingjay Died: The Fourth Quarter Quell.

Honestly guys, just letting you know that I appreciate every single comment, vote, and read so much. If you see something you can relate to in this book, comment. If you think something is cool, comment why. If you like or dislike a plot twist, by all means tell me! I've read enough Wattpad books to know that those comments are entertaining to other readers too.

Co-Author: ryleighhammock

Thank you!

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