☀︎︎Chapter 1☀︎︎

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In case you have already read, I updated this chapter.

Big time.

So I would recommend that you read it, but if you don't, that's fine.

But anyways, I hope you enjoy this piece of trash!



Hey, my name is Killua, Killua Zoldyck.

Right now I'm firing one of my servants. Her name was Amy, and she tried to get sexual with me. That's one of the rules you're not supposed to break.

'Don't get sexual with any of the members.'

Yet, she and the rest broke them. Counting Amy, around 100 of them broke that one simple rule.

Sometimes I would tease my workers out of boredom, but mainly to see if they'll follow the main rule.

Of course, they were oblivious and fell for it.

Dumb whores...

Killua: "Oi dad, can you hire a new servant? The one I had before broke a rule."

Silva: "Sure."

Killua: "Thanks."

He goes on his phone, checking his email and finding a new applicant. He turns off his phone and looks back at me.

Silva: "The worker will arrive tomorrow."

Killua: "Alright, thanks."

Hopefully they won't be a damn slut like the last ones...

I head to my room and turn on my PS4. I play with some of my friends until 11:45PM.

Killua: "Ight imma sign off. See you guys!"

I turn off the console and take a shower. My mind roams around the new servant.

Will she be like the rest?

Or will she be different and be the one I'm looking for..

AN: If you're wondering why Killua is saying she, it's because his dad would mainly hire female workers rather than male ones. The percentage in him getting a male one would be less than 10%.

I snap out of my thoughts and finish showering.

I finished and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat before heading to bed. I brought with me a pear.

Hmm, It'll do for now I guess.

I munch on it while checking my inbox.

Messages, random missed calls, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.

I finish eating the fruit and throw away the core.

Heading to my bathroom to brush my teeth, I hear my fat brother Milluki laughing at something.

This may sound normal but he only laughs when he's getting something he wants.

'That's weird, he didn't order any anime figures or food.' I questionably think. I eventually make it to my bathroom and do my night routine. I head to bed and slowly fall asleep.

Gons POV:

I woke up earlier than I did and got ready.

Today, I'm transferring to the Zoldyck family as a butler.

My servant, my lover~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now