New Home With You

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She couldn't get those ideas out of her head.

Being sent to some Reality Check Summer Camp.

Yelling at the bus driver so she can run after some owl who coincidentally had her Azura book.

Landing in some weird town.

Almost dying from some old lady.

Finally meeting up with her sister Lucía again.

Rebelliously skip camp so she could frolic and play around in some town she had no idea about. 

Yeah, Luz was not rebellious. This had to be a dream.

Finally, her eyes began to flutter open, the sun immediately hitting her eyes.

"What?" She quietly mumbled, staring at the ceiling.

A wooden ceiling.

Her eyes squinted as she then sighed, a frown appearing on her face.

"Of course that part had to be a dream."

So she did make it to camp.

The "Boiling Isles."

Yeah, that was ridiculous.

Knowing that she wasn't going to go back to bed anytime soon, she sat up from her sleeping mat, wrapping her arms around her knees.

"Dang," she said, "I got my own room too?"

She looked around the room and couldn't help but notice all the junk filling it from some weird treasure chest, to a big globe, to a bell, and more.

"What kind of camp leaves junk like this lying around?" She got up, walking over to the globe. "Aren't they supposed to be enticing us with 'public radio and checkbooks'?"

She spoke in a mocking tone when quoting her mother, but she immediately sighed, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, Mamá." She apologized, spinning the globe around. "I'm just a little upset."

Yeah, this wasn't working.

She didn't want to be here for three months.

She wanted to be working on her story on this site she found.

She wanted to binge Azura AMVs until five o'clock in the morning.

She wanted to be home with her mom, not here.

✰ I'll Never Be Good Enough For You ✰ ~ Sibling AUWhere stories live. Discover now