Chapter 32

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When Selene first started dating Larry, it had been extremely awkward. In fact, all of the first things they did together had been a bit strained.

It had been awkward when they went on their first date, it had been awkward when they held hands for the first time and it had been mighty awkward when they first kissed.

Selene had expected things to be weird with Benjamin when she saw him the next day.

She'd said a lot of things and he'd said a lot of things but she wasn't sure how they'd both react when they didn't have the cover of the night.

What if he regretted everything he'd said and done?

What if he changed his mind and didn't want to be with her anymore?

She was restless and uncomfortable. She created many scenarios in her head and none of them were pleasant.

They'd made plans to meet up after lunch. What if he didn't want her anymore?

When she opened the door of the Common Room, the first person she saw was Benjamin. The moment he looked up from his book and gave her a beautiful half-smile, all her worries faded away.

She smiled sheepishly as she took her seat. She wasn't sure she'd ever get used to how beautiful his golden eyes were. He reached over and held her hand in his, squeezing it briefly.

"Benjamin." She said with a stupid smile on her face.

"I'd kiss you but..." He looked around the crowded room and winced.

They snorted because they both hated PDA. He lifted her hands to his lips and kissed them. Selene thought that was the hottest thing ever.

"You've been here for a while. Working on your personal entry?" She glanced at the scribbles in his book.

"I just started."

"You've already decided on a topic? When did you have time for that?" She widened her already big eyes.

"I chose my topic after they announced it in class. You wanna work on your personal entry for a while before we start?" He asked.

Selene nodded. She hadn't even decided what she wanted to write yet.

She'd penciled down some ideas but they all felt cliché. Whenever she tried to write on any of them, she'd hear Harriet's voice in her head, calmly telling her to stand out.

Selene thought hard about what Harriet had said. She couldn't help but remember the dream she'd had about her mother's death. Selene knew a part of her had perished with her mother.

Everything boiled down to her mother's demise. The fact that she still couldn't remember what happened that day was scary.

Whenever she got close to remembering her mother's death, she felt a sharp pang in her head and she immediately dropped it. A part of her didn't want to remember what happened that night. After all, who would like to relive the memory of watching their mother get killed?

Selene stared blankly at the paper in front of her. She didn't know who she'd been before her mother died.

Her life as she knew it had started the day Tianna had adopted her. After Tianna took her in, she spent years doing whatever her aunt wanted. She had no passion whatsoever apart from writing.

She never rebelled against her aunt, never talked back, and never spoke up. She had lived her entire life doing what everyone else thought was right for her, never stopping to decide what she wanted for herself.

She had dated Larry because all her friends thought he was amazing. She hadn't dated him because of who he was but rather because she wanted to prove she was over her crush on Benjamin. She'd selected the course her aunt wanted her to study at the university without trying to decide what she'd have preferred.

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