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A few decades earlier...

From the moment 15-year-old Isaac opened his eyes that morning, he could tell it was a special day. Even the air felt different.

He stared at his ceiling for over five minutes, trying to gather his thoughts. He rolled over and sleepily gazed at his bedside clock until he saw something that caught his attention and made his heart race.

A pink card with the name 'Tabitha' written prettily with glitters lay a few inches away from the clock.

He was finally going to confess his feelings to the pretty girl he'd been admiring for the better part of the year. Everything had to be perfect. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes. He had to woo her properly or she would scorn his advances.

Isaac peeled off his bedcover and stepped into the showers. As warm water trickled down his naked teenage body, he conjured an image of the girl who had managed to capture his heart.

She was special.

He'd seen her at school long before he'd started falling for her. For years, he'd never gotten the opportunity to talk to her even though they shared a mutual friend. The first time they'd come face-to-face was when they'd bumped into each other while trying to get good seats for General Magical Studies.

Tabitha had been neatly dressed in the school uniform—a short-sleeved white cotton shirt, a dark blue tie, a grey and blue plaid skirt, and knee-high black socks.

Unlike most of the other girls, she didn't hike her skirt up to show off her slender thighs neither did she unbutton her shirt to flaunt off her cleavage.

She'd worn a grey headband to hold her neat afro in place. Her round face had been unadorned except for a huge zit on her cheek and her skin had looked very dark. Though she was impeccably neat, she was very plain. Her simple looks were odd since most teenage girls Isaac knew performed beautification spells the minute they could.

In fact, Isaac would never have glanced at her again if he hadn't looked into her eyes when her hand brushed his.

She had the most beautiful eyes Isaac had ever seen. They were large, brown, innocent, and soulful. Isaac felt like he could drown in her chocolate brown goodness when she looked at him that day. They showed him hints of a mythical world he wished he could disappear into.

"Sorry," Tabitha had mumbled with an absentminded look in her eyes. Her small pink lips were parted slightly, making him wonder what it would feel like to press his lips on hers.

She turned away from him and took another seat while he stood and watched her, unable to move for several seconds. In simple words, he was spellbound.

"Who was that?" Isaac had immediately asked his friends, Eric and Sean the minute he could speak.

"Who?" Eric and Sean had asked at the same time. They'd both raised their heads and looked around for the potential anomaly that had bewildered their friend.

Isaac surreptitiously gestured to Tabitha whose head was bent over a little black book. He watched her scribble words into the book and wondered if it was a diary.

"The girl? Oh, that's Tabby." Sean had shrugged.

"Tabby? What sort of daft name is that?" Eric had raised an eyebrow.

"It's short for Tabitha. She's a Magi like me. Third best in our class, actually. She'll probably get golden eyes in a decade or two." Sean had replied.

"She's hot." Isaac imagined how beautiful the girl would look with golden eyes. He felt a strange pang of jealously hit him as he listened to Sean speak so casually about the girl who'd ensnared his heart with just one look.

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