Chapter 22

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"Hello, lovebirds!" A loud voice shouted.

Benjamin and Selene jumped a mile and looked back guiltily even though they weren't doing anything bad.

Didi was standing behind them, looking amazing as usual. She was dressed casually in a short leather skirt and a black crop top which had a rude message printed across the chest.

"How's my favorite couple? You're on a romantic walk?  You've even started wearing the same clothes? That's so cute!" Didi giggled.

Selene and Benjamin glanced at each other which was when they realized they were wearing the same thing—black long-sleeved baggy shirts and blue jeans.

"Purely coincidental. We just happen to have the same clothes." Benjamin sighed.

"We ran into each other on our respective walks. We decided to walk together." Selene sighed as well.

"Even better! Sorry to interrupt the sexual tension...." Didi started.

"None of that foolish talk, Didi." Selene rolled her eyes.

"Is there something you want, Didi?" Benjamin said tiredly.

"Are you chasing me away so you can start making out?" Didi asked smirking.

"Deirdre," Selene warned.

"Oops, she called me by my full name. Better quit while I'm ahead. By the way, some of us are leaving camp today for dinner. Nothing fancy. Are you two interested? Or do you want to spend some quality time together?" Didi asked.

"As far as it's nothing fancy. I'm not interested in dressing up." Selene wisely ignored the last bit.

"Sounds fun. Where?" Benjamin asked.

"Moon spice. You know that large diner just a few blocks away from camp?" Didi asked.

"Yeah sure. I'll drive there." Benjamin said.

"Aren't you supposed to offer me a ride, Didi?" Selene asked.

"I would but Ezekiel's dropping me off. You should go with Benjamin. Y'all will meet us there." Didi said.

"You've sure been spending a lot of time with Ezekiel," Selene said dryly.

"See you." Didi ran off.

"Sorry. Where were we?" Selene turned to Benjamin who had been watching the entire encounter with a rare smile.

"You were telling me about your favorite memory at our old writers' club." He said

They walked together for a while but something was bothering Selene. She didn't know what it was but she kept talking until she figured it out.

"You know, I hardly see you smile." Selene sounded distracted.

"For real?"

"No. A pity. You look lovely when you smile."

"A compliment? From Selene? I'm honored." He inclined his head so he could look at her properly.

"Don't be silly. It's not a compliment. It's a fact." She looked up at him.

That was perhaps when she realized how close they were. The evening sun made his golden eyes look more beautiful than ever before.

They stared at each other until it became uncomfortable, then stepped away awkwardly.

"We should get going. Didi will kill us if we're late." Benjamin cleared his throat.

"Hmm, she won't. She'd just make rude jokes about why we're late." Selene made a face.

"True. Would you like to change before we leave? That way we won't look like we wanted to wear the same clothes." Benjamin said.

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