Chapter 9

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Selene had a nightmare that night.

It'd be pointless trying to describe the dream again because it was the recurring dream she always had. She was chased by something or someone who wanted to kill her. Selene had never been able to understand the dream nor was she sure ever could.

The dream terrified her because it felt so real and so urgent. She knew her physical body would perish if they caught her. She could taste her desperate desire to escape. She tumbled and fell, bringing her spirit back to the physical world.

This was unfortunate since she slept on the upper bunk at Camp Indigo and not in her small cupboard-like room with soft rugs.

Selene landed hard on the floor, almost cracking her forehead open on the way. All her bones rattled after the impact. The only reason she didn't feel any pain was because she was terrified.

Ruth was a light sleeper. She often had trouble falling asleep in a new environment. She had spent most of the time tossing and turning, waiting for dawn so she could shower and start her day. It was why she was the only one who woke up when Selene fell.

She was surprised to see her friend on the floor with a huge gash on her head.

"What happened?" Laura asked sleepily when Ruth jiggled the bed. Her eyes were too heavy to stay open.

"Nothing. Go to sleep." Ruth said softly.

Laura fell asleep again.

Didi didn't even stir. She could've slept through a hurricane.

"That looks bad. Let's check if the infirmary is open. Can you move?" Ruth whispered gently.

Selene opened her mouth but no words came out. She was still shivering and panting like she had indeed been running for her life.

Ruth helped her up and took her to the infirmary. She was concerned about the gash. Selene didn't stop shivering even after she wrapped a shawl around her.

Ruth could tell Selene had just had a nightmare that had shaken her up badly but she didn't pry or try to find out what it was about. She didn't want to know the dreams that haunted Selene and gave her the constant look of sadness.

Selene wouldn't have been able to speak even if Ruth had pestered her. She kept shivering with fear.

Why did she keep having these dreams?

Luckily, the infirmary was open. The nurse was surprised to see the huge gash on Selene's head along with other minor cuts and bruises.

"What happened?" The nurse asked.

"She fell off her bed. She's still too shaken up to speak." Ruth answered helpfully.

"You should go get ready for your class today. She'll be fine with me." The nurse said.

Ruth squeezed Selene's hand to reassure her before she left. She didn't want to leave but it was already dawn and she needed to get ready if she wanted good seats.

It took the nurse an hour to clean up the cuts and make sure Selene didn't have a concussion from her fall. Asides from the bruises, she was fine.

By the time the nurse finished, Selene was exhausted. The nurse gave her a bar of chocolate on her way out which she ate gratefully even though it was too early for sweets.

By the time she returned to her room, all her roommates had left and she had missed breakfast. However, Ruth had left a muffin on Selene's bed.

Selene could barely move her feet even after eating the muffin. She would have preferred going back to sleep but she was afraid the dream would haunt her again. She glanced around her empty room.

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