Chapter 15

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Selene's big brown eyes watched Laura's fat fingers punch the keys of her laptop as she tried to finish up her assignments. They were the only ones in their room that afternoon.

"What is it?" Laura demanded when she couldn't take it anymore.

Selene didn't realize that she was being addressed because Laura's eyes were still glued to her keyboard.

"Well?" Laura met Selene's eyes with a slightly irritated look on her face.

"What?" Because she felt awkward, Selene's voice was high-pitched.

"You've been staring at me for a couple of days. Since Saturday if I'm to be precise." Laura said.

"I have?" Selene tried to clear her throat. Stealth had never been one of her skills.

"Do you want something? If yes, please ask." Laura said

"I was just're in the Phlegmatic House. Do you by any chance know a 'Benjamin'?" Selene asked.

Laura drummed her fingers on the table as she tried to connect the name to a face.

"Hmmm. Tall? Ridiculously handsome? Dark hair? Yellow eyes?" Laura asked.

Selene would have preferred the term golden eyes. The description was spot on though because there wasn't anyone at camp who had eyes like Benjamin's.

Selene nodded.

"I don't think I know so much about him," Laura said.

"Why's that?" Selene asked.

"Oh, he's easy-going and friendly. But he doesn't really say much. He kind of reminds me of a cat sometimes because he's so mysterious. Do you like him or something? He seems like the kind of guy you'd be interested in." Laura said.

"He does?" Selene gasped.

"Of course. Didn't he walk you out last Monday? I thought you guys were even dating or about to date because ya'll have this weird chemistry." Laura said.

" We aren't dating or anything. That was just a coincidence." Selene said meekly.

"If you say so. Why are you asking about him?" Laura asked.

"I noticed I haven't seen him around camp since Friday. I haven't seen him in any of our combined classes so far this week. So I wondered if you'd seen him. Since you're both in the same House." Selene said.

"Ben hasn't been around since last week Friday. In class today, we made ten teams consisting of five people and one group had four. That's when I noticed he was missing." Laura nodded.

"Do you know why?" Selene asked.

"Apparently, he's sick. Our supervisor said he'd be back soon since he'd gotten better." Laura said.

"Oh." Selene couldn't think of anything else to say. She remembered how he'd been so pale the last time she'd seen him.

"I can't wait for him to come back. He's one of the best writers in my House." Laura said huffily.

Didi entered in a dramatic huff. She sat down on one of the chairs and sighed long sufferingly.

"I feel so baddddd." Didi rested her hand on her forehead with her eyes shut. She cracked one open so she could look at her audience whom she expected to indulge her.

"What's wrong, Didi?" Laura sighed. She shoved her book away because she knew Didi wouldn't allow her work until she said whatever she had to say.

"Oh, Lauren! It's terrible!" Didi said.

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