Chapter 23

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Selene Feather was 8 years old.

She knew this because she could feel drops of water fall onto her shoulder as her mother tried to tame her wild hair. There was no hope of the comb ever passing through her hair if it wasn't wet.

"I can't believe your hair has grown back! I cut it last week." Tabitha tried to comb a thick section of her daughter's hair.

Halfway through the task, the comb gave way. She had to fish out a new one from her cabinet. Tabitha studied Selene's face in the mirror to see if she'd cry but her little girl was smiling, bristling with innocent joy.

"My hair is always growing! It's because I'm a big girl today!" Selene giggled happily.

"That's right, sweetie. It's your birthday! I can't believe my baby is 8! You're getting bigger." Tabitha grinned at her daughter.

"Did you buy me a book for my birthday? I want to start a journal like yours!" Selene jumped up and down until her mother pressed her shoulders firmly.

"I did. Sit still, dear." Tabitha gently kissed her daughter's forehead.

Selene studied her mother's face in the mirror.

"Can I spray your perfume? Just for today, mommy?" Her big brown eyes looked sweet and innocent. Her mother scowled viciously. The amiable look on Tabitha's face was replaced with anger. 

"I told you not to do that to me again." Tabitha's voice was as harsh as a whip.

"Do what?"

"Don't pretend, child! I can hear your voice in my head. You weren't given powers for you to abuse." Tabitha glared at her daughter.

"But..." Selene started.

"No buts. If you want to use my perfume, ask me properly. Don't ever use your powers on me."

Selene pouted.

"Can I please use your perfume, mommy?" Her voice was small and uncertain.

"Only a drop or two. Wipe that look off your face. It's your birthday after all." Tabitha's initial irritation was forgotten. She smiled sweetly.

"When I grow up, do you think I'll be as pretty as you?" Selene stuck out her flat chest in an attempt to mimic her mother's curvy physique. She eyed her mother's bra on the hook.

"You'll be prettier. Take your greedy eyes off my bra. You're too young and flat to wear one anyway. If we don't leave now, we'll be late for the movie. You have to be in bed by 8:30." Tabitha checked her watch.

"Oh mommy, please? Can I go to bed by 9 instead? It's my birthday!" Selene begged.

"Fine. But by 9,  I want you tucked in bed with your teeth brushed and your feet scrubbed. Let's go, sweetie. You look lovely. Come give mommy a kiss." Tabitha turned her cheek.

Selene kissed her mother's powdered cheek loudly. Neither of them realized it would be their last happy moment together.

The scene changed in the blink of an eye.

Selene could taste fear on her lips. She was shivering and sobbing softly. Her mother was holding her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"Listen to mommy, sweetie," Tabitha said. There was a huge gash on her head from where she'd been attacked.

"I'm scared, mommy." Selene sobbed.

"I know, sweetie. Mommy's scared too. But I won't let them hurt you. I need you to do exactly what I tell you. Can you do that for me, love?" Tabitha forced a smile.

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