Chapter 14

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Camp Indigo, Earth...

On Friday, the Social Night was all everyone could talk about. In class, it was hard for the instructors to make their students work.

Selene hadn't planned to attend but she'd changed her mind when her roommates managed to convince her that skipping it wasn't an option.

As they walked together to the party, Selene couldn't help but admire the seductive way Didi wigged her hips as she walked.

"That's one hell of a dress," Selene said as she admired the view.

Didi made a quick 360 and flaunted her bright micro mini dress.

"The party doesn't start till I walk in." She grinned.

"I hope you get bitten by bloody mosquitoes." This comment was made by Ruth. Selene noted Ruth's simple attire: a blue sweatshirt, joggers, and sturdy brown flip-flops.

"Don't be so stuffy! I think she looks divine." Laura smiled at Didi. She was also dressed sensibly in jeans and a long-sleeved orange shirt. She had a brown patch on her left boob from where she'd spilled her Pepsi earlier.

"You should have changed that shirt, you know?" Ruth said.

"You're acting like a total bitch, Ruby. I think her shirt looks lovely." Didi rolled her eyes.

"Oh please! You just don't want anyone else to steal your shine. Haven't you heard what people say behind your back?" Ruth snapped.

"Oh, I'll give them something to talk about. Besides, you're not any better. Everyone was hoping you'd shut up in class when you kept going on and on about politics and fiscal policies." Didi scoffed

"That's not true! I happen to believe the African..." Ruth sounded indignant.

"Woah! Woah! Time out ladies." Laura said. She was willing to step up and break up the fight but Didi wasn't even paying attention anymore.

"Hey! Where are you going, Didi? We said we'd stick together!" Selene snapped when she saw her friend walking towards a guy with military-style hair.

"I'll find you guys later," Didi promised. Selene knew it was a big lie.

"Good riddance. I'll never ditch you like that, Selene." Ruth promised.

Five minutes later, Laura and Selene ditched her after she stopped to speak to her friends from the Choleric House about world politics.

Not long after, Laura found a snack table and refused to leave until she had stuffed her face. Selene got tired of waiting for her so she walked off, wishing she'd stayed in bed where she was comfortable.

She sat on the grass and scanned the party for her roommates.

Unsurprisingly, Didi was surrounded by boys. She never stayed with a guy for long since they couldn't intrigue her for more than ten minutes.

Selene watched her friend sashay in a tight gown that showed off her muscled legs to perfection. She noticed Didi wouldn't stop drinking. She was afraid someone would try to take advantage of her drunk friend.

Her worries were pointless since Didi knew how to hold her alcohol. Even after she'd drank several bottles of beer, she wasn't tipsy.

Selene eyed her jealously. She didn't drink much as a rule because she was such a lightweight.

Selene would have gone unnoticed if Christian from the Melancholy House hadn't tripped on his shoelaces when he passed her.

"Hey, Selene. Why are you all alone?" Christian asked immediately.

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