Chapter 19

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Selene was leaving her classroom when she saw Benjamin leaning on the wall a few feet away from her.

Illfate caused him to check his wristwatch the exact moment she emerged so she spotted him and sprinted in the opposite direction, hoping she'd escape the awkward conversation once again.

She'd barely taken five steps when his sharp eyes identified her hideous blue sweater. Since he could predict her behaviour with a fair degree of accuracy, he'd worn his running shoes. Before long, he'd closed the gap between them. 

"Selene!" Benjamin was forced to break one of his unspoken rules by raising his voice. He watched her shoulder jerk and hunch defensively.

"Not right now. I have to turn in my assignment." Selene increased her pace.

"I'll come with you." He matched her stride easily. There was no way he'd let her slip away.

"No. I have to do something after that." She said.


"I forgot to...clean my glasses." She said.

He blocked her path so she'd be forced to look at him. The guilty look in her big brown eyes gave him all the answers he needed.

"You're avoiding me." He didn't beat about the bush.

"I'm not."

Benjamin saw her cross her fingers. He began to count to ten. When he finally spoke, exasperation trickled into his voice.

"You keep dodging whenever you see me."

"Don't be ridiculous." Her fingers were still crossed.

"Why are you avoiding me? Is this about Saturday?"

"What Saturday? What happened on Saturday? You're paranoid. I'm just...busy. Yes. That's it. I've been very busy." Her voice was squeaky.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable when I told you about my dad." He sighed.

"What? No! Of course not! I wasn't uncomfortable."

"Are you sure?" He looked a little relieved.

"Yes." Selene shifted her heavy bag from one arm to another.

"Fine. I'll accept your words with a grain of salt. Selene, today's Wednesday." He said.


"So, we have to work on our writing challenge. It's due on Friday. I've been trying to reach you since the beginning of this week. We're running out of time." He complained.

"There's still plenty of time." She said.

"Pre-writing, editing, and proofreading an entry takes longer than 48 hours." He said sternly.

"Well. I guess we can work on it today in the Common Room." She cleared her throat.

"What time?" He scowled.

"I'll come as soon as I turn in my work, ok? You can go now. I'll meet you in the Common Room after cleaning my shoes." She said.

"I thought you wanted to clean your glasses." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"That's what I said. Glasses. Now if you'd excuse me." She wiggled past him, hoping he wouldn't stop her. She heard his indignant grunt while she made her speedy escape.

Selene knew what she was doing was stupid, childish, and immature but she just couldn't help it.

After seeing Larry on Sunday and confessing that she'd kissed Benjamin, she'd been feeling horrid. She couldn't stop thinking about Benjamin and what it'd felt like to kiss him. She was ashamed she was fantasizing about her boyfriend's stepbrother.

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