Chapter 6

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When Selene stepped into the large hall, she felt like she'd walked into a local market.

Even with the AC on full blast, the air was humid and unbearably hot. Her blouse glued to her body as it got soaked with her sweat. She wished she had worn a thicker shirt rather than an old chiffon blouse which arrogantly flaunted the wet patches around her armpits.

Although a part of her knew the hullabaloo she could hear was created by eager young adults trying to make new friends, Selene felt like she had just walked into hell.

She suddenly had the urge to puke. She staggered back and ran straight into a guy with arms like tree trunks.

"Sorry." She said in a squeaky voice.

The guy barely heard her. He didn't even look at her. As Selene watched him walk off, she realized he hadn't been affected by their sharp bump.

She took in several shaky breaths. Unfortunately, it only succeeded in making her feel lightheaded and nauseous.  Every fiber of her being begged her to turn around and leave. It wasn't like she had much talent anyway. She could have probably gotten a refund too.

The thought of being back at home, safely tucked away from the unknown appealed to her very much. She was certain Tianna wouldn't have minded if she decided she wanted to leave. If she turned back at that moment, she knew she'd still be able to drive back home with her aunt.

The only reason she didn't do that was because she knew Benjamin was there. Knowing he was around made her feel safer even though their relationship was formal rather than intimate.

For a couple of minutes, Selene tried to find Benjamin in the midst of the chaos. She couldn't sense his presence. She couldn't feel the electric buzz of his gaze. Her heart rate began to accelerate astronomically.

She suddenly remembered what Larry said to Benjamin when he thought she wasn't listening.

"I hope you won't mind keeping an eye on Selene. I know you don't like her."

She stopped right in her tracks. She couldn't believe she'd been trying to find a guy who disliked her for some reason. Feeling flushed and stupid, Selene stared at her acceptance slip in an attempt to calm her nerves.

The slip contained her name and a registration number "BB 16". At the back, there was a black and white picture showing the side view of a man with a grim face, receding hairline, large ears, and worry lines on his forehead.

Selene wondered who the man was and if he had any importance whatsoever to the summer camp. She decided to put it off her mind until the scheduled orientation.

She looked around to see if she would spot the pretty girl she had seen earlier that day. Sure enough, it didn't take long for Selene to find her. She just searched the room for the most chaotic zone. As expected, the pretty girl was at the centre.

On closer inspection, Selene realized that all the people around the pretty girl were boys. The girl was texting on her phone while the guys followed closely behind with her luggage. 

"Wow. Beauty is power." Someone said.

Selene turned to look at the girl who had voiced out the same thoughts that had been running through her mind.

If Selene had to describe the girl's physical appearance with three words, they would have been: round, plump, and short. She was a step away from obesity, however, she was one of those girls who looked prettier when they were chubby.

The girl's easygoing demeanor immediately endeared Selene to her. She grinned sheepishly at Selene as she ran her fingers through her deplorable hair.

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