Chapter 3

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Selene Feather was running down a long dark corridor.

She felt her chest tighten with every step she took. It reminded her of all the times she had lied she had cramps so she could get out of running during PE at school.

Selene had been very proud of herself back then. After all, who wants to spend the rest of their day at school feeling tired and smelly?

However, it was one of those things we wiggle out of doing that we eventually regret much later in life. Like perhaps partying the night before an important exam which ends up with you staring at the exam questions knowing you're screwed.

If she could take it all back at that moment, she would have then and there. All that running during PE would have given her enough practice for what was happening.

A curious mixture of physical strain and fear had her heart hammering hard within her chest. Her head was starting to feel woozy because it wasn't getting enough oxygen. All her muscles ached and begged her to stop. She couldn't stop.

The moment she stopped running, she would die.

The worst part of it was that as she ran, she heard an angry cry behind her. Her pursuers were starting to get irritated the way we get irritated by bugs who somehow manage to escape being squashed under our feet or hands.

Someone or something was hunting her down. She wasn't entirely sure the footsteps she could hear behind her belong to any human.

The cries she heard were too shrill to be coming from a human throat. It sounded like a beast or a demon from hades.

Strangely enough, Selene didn't look back to make sure the person or thing chasing her wasn't close. She was afraid her eyes wouldn't be able to stand what they'd see.

Little by little, curiosity crept in. She wanted to see who was chasing her. She wanted to catch a glimpse of their venomous eyes. She wanted to attach a face to the thing that kept tormenting her.

She looked back.

Her instincts caused her to hold her hand in front of her face when she saw something silvery slice through air swiftly. Although her hand blocked her view and prevented her from seeing what was chasing her, she was lucky she had blocked her face.

A sharp thin blade deeply sliced the flesh on her palm. It nearly slit her veins but that wasn't as bad as the alternative.

If her back had still been turned, the blade would have severed her head from her neck. She would have died.

The smell of her coppery blood was the only stimulant Selene needed to double her speed. Her fear made her run even though she was wounded. Her blood stained the front of her shirt.

She couldn't stop running. She had to survive.

Suddenly, she tripped and fell.

Then landed hard on a fluffy rug.

"Ow!" She moaned as she opened her eyes.

The dark corridor disappeared and in its stead was the stuffy little broom closet she called her bedroom.

At first, she looked around in fear thinking the monster in her dream was still chasing her. She half expected to feel the blade slice through her skin again.

But she was wrong.

There was nothing there apart from her cheap garments and numerous books.

Her heart hammered hard in her chest. She was sweating profusely.

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