Chapter 31

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Selene felt her lips part involuntarily after Benjamin made his audacious statement. The gentle hum of the washer and occasional squeak of the rotating fan could barely overshadow the silent tension in the room.

All the hairs on her skin rose when she saw the hard glint in his golden eyes. She'd be damned if she let him fuck up her brains again!

"The only thing we need to talk about is the challenge for the week. As you can see, I'm on laundry duty so you'll have to come back later." Selene folded her arms across her chest.

"We should have had this conversation three years ago. We're going to have it here and now." Benjamin said.

"You can't change the past, Benjamin. Let sleeping dogs lie."

"I've let them lie for too long. I won't make that mistake again."

"Please leave. My laundry duty partner would be here soon. We only have a one-hour shift." Selene said.

"If you mean James, then you should know he agreed to let me take over his duty. I'm relentless when I want something and I always cover all loose ends." His golden eyes never left her face.

"What on earth do we need to talk about?" She was exasperated. He'd cleverly backed her into a corner.

"There are a lot of things. All of them involve us and our relationship." Benjamin shrugged.

"There is no us." Selene felt a dull pang in her chest as she made the statement. She couldn't stand looking at him after she said it. He would have easily known she was lying.

"You can't deny there's something between us." Benjamin insisted.

"That ship has sailed." She spoke to the washing machine. Her voice shook gently.

Why was he making things difficult?

Why couldn't he just let go?

When he didn't reply, she looked up in alarm. He was stalking towards her slowly like a predator advancing its prey. She didn't know she was backing away until she hit the wall.

She knew she was in serious trouble when she saw the determined look in his eyes. He was suddenly taller and bigger than usual. When he stopped in front of her, their chests were almost touching.

They were too close for comfort.

"Are you sure?" He looked down at her.

"Yes." She tried to increase the distance between them by placing her hands on his arm and pushing back. It didn't work.

Benjamin watched her struggled to escape. He studied her face with intelligent, emotionless eyes. Selene tried to school her features but none of them were willing to listen.

"You're afraid." Although his eyes were still emotionless, Selene could tell he was genuinely puzzled.

"Of course I'm afraid! You're creeping me out!" She snapped.

"You're not afraid of me." He scoffed.

"I'm a defenseless girl alone with a guy. You're physically obstructing and forcing me to listen to you because you're well...bigger and stronger." She blushed hating the fact that she'd willingly admitted that he was bigger than she was even though it was obvious.

"I'll rephrase. You are scared of me but not in that way. You can't seriously expect me to believe that you think I'd actually hurt you." He snorted.

"I can't trust anybody. Look what happened with Larry." Selene folded her arms stubbornly.

"I'm not going to pretend I'm not insulted by what you just implied. Laurence is a sly and manipulative sonofabitch. We are not the same and you know it." Benjamin said.

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