Chapter 18

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"...which brings us to the end of class for today." Harriet switched off the projector.

The entire Melancholy House heaved a sigh of relief. Selene who had been dozing woke up and stared at her notes feeling relieved and embarrassed.

Relieved because she wasn't sure how long she would have kept her eyes open if Harriet kept teaching and was embarrassed when she saw that she had spent most of the class doodling sleepily in her book.

"Ah ah ah! Just one minute, guys." Harriet said when people tried to hurry out of the class.

There was a collective groan which she dutifully ignored.

"It's Monday. There'll be a special announcement at the hall in about ten minutes. You should hurry if you want good seats." She said.

Selene frowned. She had been looking forward to stuffing her face in the cafeteria.

She walked with some of her friends from the Melancholy House.

"What do you think it's about?" Someone asked.

"Who knows? Harriet didn't drop any hint." Selene shrugged.

"Isn't that your friend? She looks like a windmill when she's waving like that. You'd better go see what she wants." One of her friends said when they got to the hall.

Selene ran off to meet her friend.

"Thanks! Hey, Ezekiel!" She smiled gratefully as she took the seat Didi had thoughtfully reserved for her.

"Hey!" Ezekiel gave her a billion-dollar smile.

"You two have been spending a lot of time together," Selene said.

"What can I say? I'm not immune to beautiful girls." Ezekiel laughed.

Selene noticed that Ezekiel's hands were on Didi's exposed knee and Didi seemed to be leaning towards him.

She rolled her eyes when they started whispering so no one would hear what they were talking about.

"Oh hey, Laura. I didn't see you there." Selene smiled at her roommate who was sitting behind Ezekiel.

"Hola," Laura responded and resumed her discussion with her friends.

Selene felt sort of left out and was grateful when Ruth took the empty seat beside her.

"They're quite the lovebirds, aren't they?" Ruth mumbled to Selene with an odd look on her face.

Before she could reply, Paul and Harriet were already on stage setting up the projectors.

"I believe everyone is here now? Good. We can begin." Paul flashed the crowd his signature grin.

Everyone stopped talking so they could listen.

"It's time for the Writers of the Week award!" Paul said.

Everyone began to cheer loudly.

"Here's how it goes. Each week, we select the best representation of the previous week's topic from each house. Our rubrics include punctuation, tone, grammatical errors, and descriptive details to name a few." Harriet said.

"Based on this, we have four Writers of the Week. They all blew our minds with their creative approaches to the vague topic we gave last week. I'll start announcing the winners beginning with the Choleric House." Paul said.

Ruth held her breath.

"The Choleric Writer of the Week is.....Sheila Martinez! Please come up on stage, Sheila!" Paul said.

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