Chapter 28

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After throwing up three times that morning, Selene felt feverish. She had to drink a lot of water to settle her sensitive stomach and nibbled mints to keep the vile taste of vomit from her mouth.

By lunchtime, she felt marginally better. She decided to see if she could force down what was for lunch.

She grabbed a face cap to shield her weak eyes from the harsh sun rays. The minute she left the girls' building, she regretted it.

Benjamin was waiting for her under a shade.

He jogged towards her when she came out. She knew there was no point trying to avoid him so she just sighed and waited for him to reach her.

"What?" She demanded as harshly as she could.

"I wanted to check up on you. Considering how sick you were yesterday, I mean." He said.

"I'm fine. Is that all?"

"Well, no. I also wanted to know if you could remember anything else." He shuffled his feet.

"That's none of your business." She turned.

"Selene, I'm just a bit concerned. I've seen you drink before. I don't think you'd get that drunk after two glasses of wine." He said.

"What are you trying to say, Benjamin?" She asked.

"I'm saying Larry did something to you. I know he's your boyfriend..."

"I know." She said.

"What?" He stopped walking.

"I said I know. Look, I spent the entire morning throwing up so I feel like shit right now. Can we not talk about this?" She looked at him.

" Yes...ok..." Benjamin managed to stammer.

"Good. I just want to eat and go back to bed." She continued walking then stopped when she heard his footsteps.

"Is there something I can help you with?" She sighed.

"Yes. Well, no. I..." he started.

"Can you follow me to the café and tell me what you want? I'm not sure I can't stand for long." She turned and continued walking.

He followed her silently, watched her fill her tray with as much food as she could stand, and sat with her while she ate. He watched her eat for a while before he cleared his throat.

"Yes? You were saying?" She sighed.

"I'm not sure if you can remember. We talked last night." He mumbled.

"I remember that part well." She rolled her eyes and regretted it instantly. She was too dizzy to be sarcastic.

"Uhm. Good. Then you remember that your bag fell?" He reached into his pockets.

She nodded and glanced at her plate. She wasn't sure she could eat anything more.

"I went back to check if you'd left anything behind. I found these." He dropped two items on the table, a glass case and a piece of paper.

She glanced at the paper. It was the short poem Larry had given her the day he'd asked her out.

It was the first time anyone ever wrote a poem for her so she cherished it like it was a million bucks. She took it everywhere she went and she'd read it so many times she could recite all the words even in her sleep.

That poem was probably the main reason she'd agreed to go out with Larry. Over the last three years, he'd given her pieces that he wrote.

"I'm curious. Where did you get this from?" Benjamin asked.

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