Chapter 29

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"You look like shit," Didi said the minute she saw Selene.

Selene rolled her eyes and turned to face the wall hoping Didi would take the hint and leave her alone.

She didn't want to talk to anyone and had been glad that Ruth and Laura were both engrossed in their conversation. They noticed how upset she was so they left her alone.

Unfortunately, Didi wasn't born with tact. She sat on Selene's bed, refusing to acknowledge her friend's desire to be alone.

"Didi, do you mind?" Selene said in an exasperated voice.

"Do I mind what? Bending my back? A little, but it's fine. Thanks for asking." Didi smirked.

"I don't want to talk right now."

"All the more reason for you to talk. You look terrible. Swollen eyes, puffy cheeks. You've been acting like a zombie since your 'hot' date. Did y'all finally break up?" Didi asked.

"You're so nosy. It really isn't any of your business." Selene snapped then held her head which still hurt even after taking several painkillers.

"That's some hangover you have there. You need to get it off your chest. Who better to tell than your BFF?" Didi asked.

Selene refused to be goaded into replying. She closed her eyes, hoping Didi would think she'd fallen asleep and leave her alone.

"Alright, this is my guess. You went out with Larry, something happened, you returned, met up with Benjamin and now you're in a confusing love triangle." Didi said.

"Your guessing game seems to be spot on. Why are you asking me if you already know what happened?" Selene asked.

"You know I won't leave until you answer me. So? Tell me what happened." Didi tickled her ribs.

"Stop! Stop!" Selene snorted.

Laura and Ruth paused their conversation to look at Selene and Didi. They shrugged and continued their discussion.

"Fine. I'll tell you. Geez. You're like a freaking parasite." Selene sighed.

"Good girl." Didi grinned.

In reality, Selene was dying to talk about it. She felt like her head would explode from all the drama. Also, it wasn't like Didi would actually leave her alone if she didn't talk.

As Selene narrated the story, it sounded more bizarre. Her life was like a terrible telenovela or some crazy soap opera. She couldn't believe that at one time, her life had been devoid of drama.

"And I thought my life was chaotic. Mind if we switch bodies for a day? I've always wanted to be in a love triangle with two brothers." Didi said with dreamy eyes.

"Didi!" Selene snapped.

"What? We all have our secret fantasies." Didi said.

"And yours is to be in a love triangle with two brothers? They aren't even really brothers. They're stepbrothers." Selene pointed out.

"I'd take what I get. Brothers, cousins as far as they're related. Tell me. You've kissed both of them right? I can tell because you're blushing. How does it feel like to have kissed two brothers? Who kisses better?" Didi whispered.

"You aren't even asking the right questions! What kind of friend are you? You're supposed to be condemning me for cheating on my boyfriend!" Selene whispered so Ruth and Laura wouldn't hear.

"Oh, details. I'm not exactly a good influence, you know. I'm asking the right question. Who kisses better? I bet it's Benjamin." Did sighed affectedly.

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