Chapter 8

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There were nine instructors on stage, all wearing different coloured sweatshirts. At the centre was a lovely woman in a black sweatshirt. Although they were all wearing the same sweatshirts, hers looked ten times better.

"Hey! She sorta looks like you." Laura nudged Didi with her chubby elbows. It was like being elbowed by a teddy bear so it didn't hurt at all.

Selene glanced at her new friend, Didi who was smirking arrogantly. Her eyes twinkled brightly. She was very amused.

"Later," Didi promised Selene.

"It's a pleasure to welcome you all to Camp Indigo! I am Harriet, one of the head instructors." The woman said.

Didi snorted loudly.

Harriet's eyes landed on Didi. Selene was sure she could see traces of exasperation in the woman's eyes but it was gone in an instant.

"I'd be handing over to Paul who would give the opening speech for the orientation," Harriet flipped her hair behind her shoulders. Selene had to glance at Didi because that single gesture seemed so familiar.

"Damn. She's pretty." Ruth couldn't help but say.

"Very pretty." Didi rolled her eyes.

A handsome guy wearing a red sweatshirt took the microphone. His fingers brushed Harriet's. Selene noticed his cheeks were flushed.

His jeans gripped his muscled thighs and butt seductively. He reminded Selene of a Ken doll with his broad shoulders, thick arms, and sunny smile. His eyes wrinkled with delight as he flashed his pearl white teeth to the crowd. All the girls began to swoon.

"Oh, my Gawd! He is soooooo hot!" Laura sighed contentedly.

"Hot is an understatement at this point." Ruth smiled.

Laura began to flip through her manual frantically.
"I can't see anything in the rule book that bans romantic entanglements with instructors." She said happily.

"It's one of those rules that goes without saying. I doubt he'd date any one of us. He's way above our league." Ruth said.

"Speak for yourself. I honestly don't think he's attractive. He's not my type." Didi shrugged.

Laura and Ruth looked at her like she'd just made a blasphemous statement.

"You're crazy! How can he not be your type? He's everyone's type!" Laura gasped.

"I saw you talking to him earlier today. If he isn't your type why did you flirt with him?" Ruth added.

"Hon', I flirt with everyone. I'd flirt with an eighty-year-old granny who's missing half of her teeth. It doesn't mean a thing. Do you think he's hot, Selene?" Didi turned to her new friend.

"Well....he's handsome," Selene said truthfully. Although he wasn't as handsome as a certain golden-eyed guy.

"Look beyond the glamour. Can you see what I mean? He's just flashy at first glance but not handsome." Didi pressed.

Selene peered at Paul. He didn't look as perfect as he had at first. His teeth were large and his nostrils were flared.

"I can see what you mean," Selene said after a while.

"You're both crazy. I think he's the hottest instructor." Laura said dreamily.

"He's like a one-eyed man amongst blind people." Didi snorted.

If any other person had said it, it wouldn't have sounded so stuck up and mean. Although, Didi wasn't being mean or rude. She was just being blunt.

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