Chapter 16

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Selene winced when her eyes rested on Benjamin. She was not looking forward to seeing him especially after he'd snapped at her the previous week.

He was wearing a grey hoodie, his hair was tidy and his beards, well-trimmed. She searched for signs of the illness she had heard about.

Apart from the dark circles under his eyes, he was much thinner than before. He looked exhausted but marginally better than the last time she'd seen him.

She tore her eyes away from him to study the other members of the table. She recognized all of them from class. She was surprised to see Laura there beaming at her. She also saw Christian sitting comfortably at one end of the table.

Selene sat opposite Benjamin. They both stared at each other for a couple of minutes until he broke the eye contact.

"So, how do we do this?" Selene cleared her throat.

"I have the cards. There's only one rule. If you can't do the dare or say the truth, then you have to do a shot." The guy beside Laura said.

On closer inspection, he looked really familiar. He ran his fingers through his long dreads.

"Have we met?" Selene asked the guy.

"Yes. I'm Ezekiel. We met last week." He looked happy to have been remembered.

"I'm not comfortable with the rule. We're driving back to camp. I'm not interested in getting into a car with a drunk driver. DUI is illegal." Ruth said before anyone else could talk.

"Neither am I. I don't drink." Benjamin said quietly. Selene glanced at him when he spoke only to realize he was already looking at her.

"Hmm. How about we make an option? You either drink or do someone's chores at camp for a day." Didi offered.

"Fine. Who's driving? Shouldn't we settle that first?" Ruth waved Didi off.

"I guess." One of the boys at the table said.

"How many people drove here? How many cars are here?" Ruth asked. She didn't care if she got odd stares for being boring and strict.

After a series of back and forth, it was decided that Benjamin, Ruth, and Christian would be the assigned drivers that night.

"Can we start already? I'm getting bored!" Didi sighed impatiently.

The fourth boy at the table placed eight crumbled pieces of paper on the table.

"Numbers. So we'll know who to start with." He explained.

Selene picked one slowly and opened it to see she had gotten the number 3.

When everyone picked their numbers, Benjamin got the number 1.

"Truth or Dare?" Christian asked with his hands hovering over the cards which were faced down. One pile had the Truth Questions while the other had Dares.

"Truth." Benjamin didn't miss a heartbeat.

Christian picked up a card.
"Are you attracted to any person seated in this circle? If yes, what gender?" He read aloud.

Benjamin locked eyes with Selene before he spoke.
"Yes. It's a girl." He said slowly.

Selene couldn't explain why her heart started thumping hard in her chest.

Benjamin liked someone.

Who did he like?

It had to be one of her roommates since they were the only other girls at the table.

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