Chapter 7

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The source of the unappealing sound seemed to be coming from someone's phone.

"Geez!!" Ruth glared at the girl who'd just entered.

Even easygoing Laura had a look of disgust on her face. She plunged two chubby fingers into her ears to drown out the noise.

Selene's eyes widened when she recognized her third roommate as the glamorous girl she had seen earlier that day. Up close, the girl looked as flawless as a barbie doll.

She held up a slim finger to her roommates to silence her roommates, tucked her hair behind her ear then clicked the side of her AirPods.

"Qué? Estoy preocupada, Manuel." Her Spanish accent was exquisite and exotic. She sat on the edge of a desk and crossed her long legs in front of her.

Her voice was sensual and seductive when she spoke in the foreign language.  Her roommates stared at her in spite of themselves. She was the kind of girl you couldn't help but look at. After about five minutes, she laughed and hung up

"Ugh! My stylist can be so temperamental! Throwing a tantrum because I missed my last appointment. He's probably right. I bet I look like a gorilla with this hair." The girl ran her fingers through her silky extensions.

Selene would have given anything to look like a gorilla if it meant looking as fabulous as her new roommate.

Selene knew it was rude to stare but she couldn't help it. Neither could Ruth nor Laura. The girl noticed everyone was staring at her, awed by her dramatic entry.

"Oh! My ringtone disturbed you, didn't it? Sorry about that! I started using it to annoy the hell out of my sister. I'll change it right now. I'm Didi." She showed off her perfectly set white teeth.

How could anyone's teeth be so beautiful?

"What kind of name is Didi?" Ruth wrinkled her nose. She folded her arms and tried to look unimpressed.

"Perhaps it's short for something." Laura couldn't hide her curiosity.

Didi's clothes appeared tighter up close. Selene caught Laura pulling her sleeves down so she could hide the extra layers of fat on her arms.

"It's short for Deirdre." The pretty girl made a face making it obvious that she didn't want to be called 'Deirdre'. She flipped her hair behind her shoulders so she could show off her diamond studs.

Didi studied at Laura and Ruth, trying to decide if they were worthy of hanging out with her. Her first impressions weren't exactly inspiring.

Ruth had a lot of fancy stuff on her bed but she was nowhere near as rich as Didi. She would've befriended Ruth if she hadn't seen the look of disapproval on her face.

Laura wasn't any better. She was plain and obese. There was nothing enticing about her at first glance. She didn't appear to have the domineering presence Ruth had nor did she appear weak and docile. She was as bland as a filler character.

Didi was starting to think she hadn't lucked out in the roommate category when turned to Selene who was watching her curiously from behind her black-framed glasses.

Didi's heart leaped.
"You have very beautiful eyes." She said to Selene.

Selene felt her cheeks get hot. No one had complimented her eyes before. Not even Larry.

"Uhm. Thanks. You have pretty.....everything." Selene blushed. Everything about the new girl was perfect.

Didi grinned. Selene could immediately tell it was a genuine smile, unlike the one she'd flashed them all a few minutes ago.

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