Chapter 10

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"Oh, shit," Selene swore. She clamped her mouth shut but it was too late. 

"Ahhh! You know him! I knew I sensed chemistry!" Didi marched ahead.

Ruth glanced at Selene. The girl looked like she wanted to puke.

"We can escape, you know. While she's not looking." Ruth whispered. She placed her hand on Selene's arm.

Selene tried to look brave even though her legs were shaking. She shook her head.

"There's no point. She'd find us in a heartbeat." Selene sighed. It was easy for her to blame everything on Didi. Deep down, she knew a part of her was desperately looking for an opportunity to talk to Benjamin.

There were only three seats left at the table. Selene shyly studied everyone at the table. She was stunned when she saw the only girl sitting there happened to be Laura—her other roommate.

"Hey, can we seat here?" Didi asked Benjamin. He was the only guy at the table whose eyes weren't glued to her legs. He was staring at Selene like she'd disappear if he looked away.

Three boys at the table started trying to make space for Didi by shoving each other. They were each coming up with a reason why she had to sit with them. Didi watched them with an amused look on her face.

Ruth rolled her eyes and took the seat beside Benjamin. He didn't even act like she existed. He kept studying Selene's face intensely.

Selene suddenly felt breathless. Her heart was racing with excitement. She wondered why she liked the attention.

"There's an empty seat beside me. Didi, right? We sat beside each other in clapss. I didn't get the chance to say hello." A guy with a sunny smile said. The second empty seat was by his right-hand side since Laura was sitting on his other side.

Didi's red-painted lips formed the sexiest smirk Selene had ever seen. She undressed him with her eyes in a manner that would have caused a priest to faint. The guy's grin widened because he knew she would like what she'd find. Just the way he liked what he could see.

He filled out his red Sanguine shirt nicely with his broad chest and well-toned muscles. He shook his long dreads away from his face and revealed shiny silver studs on each ear.

"I didn't notice you. I'd better give you an opportunity to rectify that error." Didi slid her attractively shaped butt into the seat gracefully.

"Hey, guys." Laura smiled at her roommates. She took one look at Didi's shirt and wondered how anyone could be that skinny after eating as much as Didi.

"Benjamin," Selene said as she took the seat opposite him. It almost felt like they were on a date. She blushed when she imagined what it would be like to go on a date with a guy like him.

"Selene," Benjamin said in his low, deep voice. He didn't say another word. He averted his golden eyes after he said her name.

It was the most awkward greeting ever but the other people at the table didn't even notice since they were all watching Didi.

Didi was already flirting shamelessly with the guy on dreads who announced that his name was Ezekiel. Even though Didi claimed she was a huge flirt, Selene could tell there was nothing innocent or casual about how she spoke to the guy. She could already picture them hooking up at least once before the camp ended.

Selene felt like Benjamin was watching her. It made her feel very self-conscious. Her hands were shaking so much that some food fell onto her shirt. She looked up to see if anyone else at the table had noticed. No one was even looking in her direction.

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