Chapter 13

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The Castle Of The Brethren, Outskirts of Rodia...

A woman dressed in black robes walked briskly down the hall. Her robes fluttered behind her in her haste, causing her to trip several times. She didn't pause to gather her robes neither did she reduce her speed.

If the dream she'd just had was an indication of what was to come, there would be a river of blood. She could still hear the wails of anguish ringing loudly in her head. In order to drown the voices in her mind, she doubled her speed.

The castle was still as most of its inhabitants were fast asleep. She preferred it that way. They wouldn't understand her fear. They hadn't seen the grotesque images that had appeared to her while she slept.

They would laugh at her, wouldn't they?

Regardless of how powerful she'd become, they were all stronger than her. Her premonitions would be likened to the bark of a mad dog. Her concerns would be swept under the rug. 

They all believed there was nothing in Rodia that could harm them and their belief was justified. Even at their weakest, they were almost invincible.

Nonetheless, she knew her unease was valid. There was a reason she'd had that dream. She was the only one who could decipher its message. Something terrible was about to happen.

She wasn't sure her people could fight the evil she had seen. She wasn't sure anyone could fight off such evil.

Though she was considered a youth amongst her people, she'd had experiences that no human should have. Her mother had cursed her the day she'd been born and had willingly given her away after the Senser had seen the form of magic she wielded.

Demon child was the name her mother called her during the years she had raised her.

Her life as she knew it began when The Brethren came for her.

The Brethren had taken her in and she'd never looked back. They alone were able to understand her plight. Feared and hated by others jealous of their magic, they all left the old world along with its worries and greed.

The old world distrusted them. They would have been hunted to extinction if they hadn't left. Thus, they lived in their castle in the outskirts of the kingdom where no one could find them.

The doors of the castle were shut to all except those who were gifted with the powers they possessed.

The Brethren had little or no worldly desires. They spent their lifetime mastering their magic and strengthening their mind. Their castle thrived and their powers slowed down their aging process.

The woman in black robes looked thirty but in reality, she had been alive for over two hundred years. Ten years was like a day within the castle of the Brethren.

The woman could tell that a lot had happened during the time they were away. She had left the old world when she had been a child. It had been so long ago that she couldn't even remember what it was like.

She understood why The Brethren wanted nothing to do with the old world. The concerns of the other magic users weren't theirs.

Yet, she still felt uneasy.

Even the stars were whispering to her that night.

Danger was coming.

How could she avert it?

Was she even supposed to avert it?

When she got to the door at the end of the hall, she glanced back to see if she was being followed. She couldn't sense any magical presence.

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