Chapter 4

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When Selene came back to the kitchen, she was shocked to see her boyfriend sitting casually in her aunt's kitchen. She hadn't heard his car arrive.

Larry was so focused on the game he was playing that he didn't notice when his girlfriend entered. His brow was furrowed in concentration.

Selene leaned on the wall and decided to watch him for a few minutes. She liked looking at him.

Laurence Pineal(or Larry as his friends called him) was an eye-catcher. He fulfilled all the society's standards of beauty to the last letter.

He was tall and well-built from all the time he'd spent in the gym. He had messy brown hair, small chocolate brown eyes, and a large, pointed nose. His lips, carefully designed by angels, were always curved in a warm, sweet smile. It was one of the many reasons he was well liked.

He was the guy every girl would love to introduce to her parents and friends—sweet, kind, handsome, and caring. He was the kind of guy who couldn't stay single even if he tried.

He always had girls asking for his number and asking him out on dates. This was why Selene didn't understand why he'd even approached her in the first place.

Selene had been sitting with some friends from her writing club called "The Pen" when he'd walked up to her and asked for her number. She'd been too stunned to even reply. Her friends had to bail her out.

Larry claimed he'd noticed her for a while but hadn't been able to figure out how to talk to her since they weren't in the same school. Selene sincerely found it hard to believe because she wasn't a girl people noticed.

They'd been dating for three years (a few months after they'd met) and he'd been the nicest, sweetest, and most faithful boyfriend in the entire world. Sometimes, she wondered how she'd ever gotten that lucky.

All her female friends were insanely jealous. She was sure he could have had any other girl but for some insane reason, he wanted her.

Some of her friends believed that Selene and Larry were proof that opposites attract. While Larry basked in the glory of attention, Selene avoided it like a plague. She was a bundle of nerves and was frankly too shy.

Selene liked watching Larry play his video games. He was always so serious that he didn't notice anything else. Larry had problems focusing so it was nice seeing him so engrossed with something.

He suddenly looked up when he failed a level and grinned when he saw her staring at him intensely.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked, rubbing his neck with a chagrined look on his face.

"Long enough." Selene gave him a half-smile.

"You never replied my text last night." Larry walked over to her to kiss her on the lips.

"Sorry. You smell nice." She hugged him tightly. She didn't feel like kissing him since her mouth still tasted like the foul tea she'd drank earlier.

"Thanks." He chuckled. He didn't notice the weird taste of her lips.

"Who let you in? Did you bump into Aunt Tianna or something?" Selene pulled away from him. He kept his arms around her waist.

"She let me in after giving me the stink eye. I don't think she likes me very much." Larry winced.

Selene laughed.
"I don't think she likes anyone. Apart from Benjamin, of course. She doesn't seem to hate him at least." She said, tapping her chin.

Larry froze and moved away from her so he could study her face properly.

"Benjamin? Which Benjamin?" He tried to raise an eyebrow. Unfortunately, he was unable to do that so he ended up raising both of them.

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