Chapter 33

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The only thing Selene saw when she turned towards the source of the affronted scream was a brief, violent flash. It was followed by a loud, scary thump. The next thing she knew, she was standing alone and two human bodies were struggling ferociously on the floor for dominance.

Later on, she realized the flash was a punch and the thump had resulted from a painful fall.

"Oh, my Gawd! Stop!" She begged. They didn't listen. Benjamin and Larry were still grappling on the floor.

Selene frantically searched her bag for something she could use to break up the fight. She wasn't stupid enough to step into their midst and pull them apart. She didn't fancy getting punched.

When she looked up again, she saw the two boys standing. Although she saw Benjamin's right eye was purple, she was relieved it was the only bruise on his face.

She could barely recognize Larry. Rage had contorted his handsome face until it became hideous. He looked bigger and more muscular than Selene had remembered.

She let out an involuntary shriek when Larry swung his fist. She was relieved when she saw Benjamin dodge before he got hit.

With every punch Benjamin dodged, Larry's fury heightened. Selene wasn't sure how long Benjamin would be able to hold him off. She continued her search. She didn't want Benjamin to get hurt.

"You fucking bastard! You stole my girlfriend!" Larry screamed.

"I can't steal what isn't yours. You need to calm down." Benjamin's voice was relaxed like they were having a lovely conversation at a tea shop. As expected, it made Larry angrier.

"Don't tell me what to do! How long have you been plotting behind my back? You piece of shit. Fight me like a man!" Larry shouted.

"I plotted nothing. I'm not going to hit you, Laurence." Benjamin was still calm even as he dodged a kick from Larry's muscular legs.

"She's mine, you asshole!" Larry kicked again.

"Selene doesn't belong to anyone but herself. She's free to be with whomever she wants and she chose me. Stop this nonsense. You're embarrassing yourself." Benjamin moved away. His reflexes were sharp.

"I'm going to kill you! You always steal everything from me! You stole my life, my father, and now, my girlfriend!" Larry lunged for Benjamin again. This time he was able to knock him down.

"Stop!" Selene yelled uselessly.

Where on earth was her pepper spray?

"You're upset. Understandably so, but you need to stop this. I don't want to hurt you." Benjamin said gently.

"Fight me like a man, you coward! I'm going to break your stupid face." Larry punched Benjamin repeatedly in the gut.

Benjamin didn't even wince.
"This is my final warning. Stop this foolishness now, Laurence." He warned darkly.

Larry replied by throwing a fist at Benjamin's face. Benjamin caught the fist and held onto it firmly. In two swift moves, he rolled over and pinned Larry's hands down. When Larry swung his legs, Benjamin trapped them as well.

"Are you ready to calm down now, Laurence?" Benjamin asked mockingly.

Selene finally found her pepper spray. When she looked up, she saw that the fight had already ended. Larry was pinned down, screaming bloody murder.

"What the hell is going on here? Does this look like a wrestling ring?" An angry voice behind them said.

It was around that time that Selene realized the fighting boys had attracted a lot of attention. That attention, of course, drew Harriet out.

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