Chapter 11

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"What's this?" Selene squinted at the piece of paper Ruth produced from her pocket.

It appeared to be a badly written note. She had to take off her glasses and clean them before she could see it well.

"Written permission from Didi. I asked her to switch beds with you because you fell off yours last night." Ruth said efficiently.

"Didi wrote this?" Selene couldn't hide her disbelief.

"She did. Well, after I suggested it to her because I wasn't sure you'd believe me. I asked her to write down her phone number if you'd like to confirm." Ruth sounded miffed.

"Oh. Why though? You didn't need to do that." Selene asked.

"I guess not. I didn't want you to keep falling off your bed every night. I'd have asked Laura but I couldn't find her after lunch for some reason. She vanished into thin air." Ruth was still a little puzzled by the fact that she hadn't been able to find her bunkmate.

"What's that?" Selene pointed to the package in Ruth's sturdy arms.

"Oh, this? I asked for it to be delivered. It's a foldable bed. I figured you might still roll off your bed even if you were on the lower bunk but at least you'd roll onto this instead." Ruth said efficiently.

"Wow. That's nice." Selene felt so touched. Ruth always thought of everything.

No one had ever gone out of their way to do nice things for her before. Well, except Larry and he didn't count since he was her boyfriend.

Ruth showed off her small pretty teeth via a huge grin.
"What are friends for? I'm a little hurt that you couldn't remember me. Am I that forgettable?" She stripped Didi's bedsheets neatly.

"Of course not. I'm really bad with names and faces. I can still remember some of the fun times we had at The Pen." Selene said sincerely.

"Oh yeah. That's true. Ben remembered me." Ruth said suddenly.

"He did?" Selene tried to sound nonchalant.

"Yeah. He came back to say hi. He's still as quiet as before. I was surprised he even remembered me. You know, I really enjoyed the few years I spent at The Pen before my dad got transferred. I hated having to move. What happened after I left?" Ruth asked curiously.

"Nothing special, to be honest. Since the club was originally for those under 16, we all left when the time came. Some kids joined other writing clubs but not many." Selene said.

"We were so earnest and serious back then," Ruth said.

Selene wanted to point out that Ruth was still earnest and serious but she wasn't sure if the girl would take offense to that.

"We were. Benjamin was the only outstanding writer in our club. Most of the others just wanted to have one extracurricular activity or the other so they could get out of doing chores at home. That's why most people didn't bother joining other writing clubs after leaving The Pen." Selene laughed.

"He was the best writer. I remember some of his articles and poems were published while he was still like what? Eleven? All the mentors in the club were in love with him." Ruth said.

"They called him Shakespeare's love child," Selene added. They smiled at each other as they remembered the old days.

"I remember you were also really good," Ruth said.

"I was?" Selene asked in shock. She had never thought she was an outstanding writer back then. None of her stories had gotten half the audience Benjamin's had.

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