After you read...

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As an avid reader, I understand how important the end of a story is. After journeying through a fictional world, falling in love with its characters, seeing several conflicts get raised, and finally hitting the heart-throbbing climax, it's always important to have a fully satisfying ending.

By this, I don't necessarily mean an ending where all characters ride off into the sunset but an ending that best suits the whirlwind of emotions I've faced by reading the book.

As a writer, I understand how hard it is to end a story suitably.

If you're reading this, I'm sure you're probably extremely perplexed and wondering if I've gone insane. With all things considered, I can understand why you'd feel this way seeing as the story had barely begun when I ended it so abruptly.

Rather than smile sardonically as I picture your evident confusion, I'd clarify a few things.

For starters, I was sincere when I said it was The End. However, it's the end of this book and not the end of this story.

When I first began The Prophecy of the Black Day, I never intended to make a sequel. I've always been a fan of standalone novels so all my stories end suitably after about 30 chapters.

The idea of breaking this novel into parts only came to me when I got to the 31st chapter and realized I still hadn't covered half of the plot I had in my head. Just talking about the writing camp took about 30+ chapters without going into all the other amazing parts of this story.

I'm fully aware that several Wattpad novels have over 100+ parts but I didn't feel comfortable going in that direction.

I began this novel in September but I had no desire to publish it until I uploaded the first three parts. This book was supposed to be one of the many stories in my archive which would probably follow me to my grave. I'm happy I was brave enough to release it.

There is a sequel to this book. Don't worry! Selene's story has barely begun! I can't wait for you to journey through the magical Kingdom of Rodia!

Before I leave ya'll to speculate on what the sequel would hold, I'd just like to point out a few things in this book actually exists. I've seen disclaimers in some novels talking about how any similarities in the book living or dead is purely coincidental. For TPOTBD, this isn't entirely true.

For starters, Selene's Melancholy temperament actually exists. I also possess this wonderful temperament which makes sense since I mentioned Selene portrays some of my flaws.

Camp Indigo doesn't exist per se(or at least I've never been to one). If it does exist then I'd love to attend.

I got the idea for the summer camp from my personal experience. You see, I'm a part of my faculty's writers' club at the university. I joined when it got formed during the pandemic and it was the highlight of my year.

There were intriguing writing challenges and writers of the week just like in Camp Indigo. I was even lucky enough to win once or twice. It inspired my idea for a summer camp. Perhaps one day, I'll open one.

The sequel is out, dearest reader! You can check my bio to find it!

Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I hope you enjoyed my book.

Till we meet again.


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