Chapter 12

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The first few days at Camp Indigo sped by faster than Selene imagined. Slowly but surely, she settled into a daily routine. She'd wake up before dawn, shower, get dressed, have breakfast then hurry to class so she could get good seats.

After class, she'd head for lunch in the cafe with the few friends she'd managed to make. Immediately after, she'd go to the common room they shared with the Phlegmatic House, work on her class assignments till late into the night then crash in bed till the next morning.

As per the camp rule, she had special classes with the rest of the Melancholy House three times a week along with combined classes with one of the other three Houses.

Once or twice, Selene had combined classes with the Sanguine House. Having classes with them could be likened to an adult enduring two hours with a sugar-drunk toddler. They were forever fooling around and playing pranks.

Although it was fun from time to time, it was exhausting dealing with people who never seemed to run out of energy.

She also had one class with Ruth and the Choleric House. They were more reserved and very serious. Selene was sure she would have heard a pin drop in that class. While she liked order and decorum, she had to admit that they were all a bit stuffy.

She sincerely preferred the classes she had with the Phlegmatic House. This wasn't because she shared a classroom with Laura and Benjamin. Rather it was because their instructors were so easygoing and funny. The only fly in the honey was how Benjamin treated her.

Although she hated to admit it, he barely paid any attention to her after the day he'd walked her back to the girls' building. It was almost like she was invisible or something.

Selene understood that they weren't close enough to be friends but they'd known each other for years. It was enough warranty for him to have at least waved to her once in a while, right?

He usually acted like he didn't know her whenever they happened to sit beside each other in class. He'd take notes and leave as soon as class was over.

She didn't even realize Benjamin's attitude bothered her until Larry commented that most of their recent conversations were about Benjamin.

Selene felt terrible after that and decided to completely ignore him. He would probably always be the guy she could never fully understand.

It simply didn't make sense for her to try being friends with someone who didn't even acknowledge her existence.

Didi, on the other hand, was having the time of her life.

In a matter of days, she'd managed to become the most popular girl in the entire camp. People were constantly talking about one outrageous prank she'd pulled in class, how she had the body of a goddess and the face of an angel. Some of the things Selene heard people say about her friend weren't exactly flattering.

Some people believed she was a self-absorbed queen bitch who threw herself at every boy. Didi of course didn't help her case since she was a terrible flirt. Sadly, no one was willing to believe it was just a harmless joke to her.

Thankfully, she had thick skin so she didn't seem to care what anyone thought about her. She didn't even notice the hate she kept getting.

Despite her initial comment about how she wanted to hook up with someone at the camp, she always blew off every guy who tried to make any moves whatsoever.

Lunchtime was Selene's favourite part of the day.

Although Camp Indigo didn't impose seating arrangements, most people preferred sitting with those in their House. Thus, the room was always divided into four.

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