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Selene didn't see anyone on her way to the pond that night but it didn't bother her one bit. She wasn't sure she even wanted to see anybody considering all the shit that had happened.

She didn't realize she was a lamb heading to the slaughter. She didn't know her life as she knew it was about to end.

The pond was beautifully lit by the moonlight. The grasses swayed gently like they were dancing to music the human ears couldn't pick up. In a distance, an owl hooted.

Selene had a rechargeable lamp to help her read the book she'd borrowed from Ruth. After a few minutes, she was engrossed. She was one of those readers who could completely disappear into a novel once she'd started. Larry had always joked that Selene could read a book through a thunderstorm and an earthquake.

It was unfortunate that she didn't pay attention to her surrounding. Perhaps if she had, she'd have seen the water bubbling gently, and maybe this story would have ended differently. Maybe the disaster that happened would have been postponed.

Meanwhile, Benjamin was back at camp staring into space.

He sighed as he read Selene's cold message. Gawd! It made him feel so sick. She didn't even bother replying his texts after that.

He had a feeling he'd messed things up between them.

Selene had been so angry. What if she never spoke to him again? She'd already been hurt by someone she'd thought loved her. What if she thought he'd do the same?

Damn Laurence!

Larry knew Benjamin still blamed himself for how Aria died. If Benjamin had been more observant, she wouldn't died as tragically as she did. He was the reason she'd tapped into her life force. He was the reason she was dead.

He was ashamed of what happened and how she'd died. He didn't think he could bring himself to tell Selene. He was afraid she'd blame him the way Larry did.

Benjamin rubbed his temples tiredly. He hadn't slept a wink after Larry left. Thinking about Aria made his insomnia worse. As he passed a group of girls, they nudged each other and pointed at him.

"Yes, that's the guy." He heard one say.

"I heard he seduced Selene. She cheated on her boyfriend, you know. He was the one who punched him. I honestly don't blame her. I'd cheat too." Another added.

"Her boyfriend was also really hot. I'd never cheat on a guy like that." Someone commented.

Benjamin rolled his eyes. He wasn't bothered about silly comments like that. He'd never cared about what other people said.

He knew Selene wasn't like him. He could tell she was deeply bothered by what happened.

On his way out of the Common Room, he noticed Laura, Selene's roommate talking a dozen to ten to Ruth. Ruth looked eager to escape but Laura wasn't eager to allow her leave.

Ruth saw him looking at her. Her eyes begged him to bail her out. He smiled ruefully. He stepped in their direction when he was suddenly grabbed.

That single action sealed the fate of the night. That single touch set the ball rolling.

When Benjamin looked down, he saw Didi beaming at him like he was an Easter turkey.

"Just the person I wanted to see." Didi beamed at him.

"I'm tired, Deirdre. Can this wait?" Benjamin sighed.

"Of course it can't wait! Why do you insist on calling me that name?" Didi wrinkled her nose at him.

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