Chapter 27

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When Larry dropped Selene off that night, she staggered into camp. She felt drunk and dizzy. She couldn't remember what happened at the picnic after Larry kissed her. It was all a blur.

The moment she tried to think about it, she began to feel nauseous. She pressed her hands to her temples as she staggered. Her legs couldn't support her weight. She could barely keep her eyes open.

Larry had dropped her off quite late. Since it was Saturday night, most of the campers were out having fun. This meant no one would be there to taunt her for returning to camp dead drunk.

Selene had never felt so heavy in her entire life. She struggled to stop her eyes from rolling back into its socket. The floor seemed to be trying super hard to make her journey difficult.

She didn't understand why she felt so drunk. She could remember having a glass or two of wine but it wasn't enough to make her feel that drunk. She didn't drink much as a rule but she had never been that dizzy after drinking wine.

What had happened during their date?

What on earth had she eaten?

Did Larry feel the way she did?

She certainly hoped not. He was driving back to his grandparents. It would be disastrous if he felt half as bad as she did. Concerned, she struggled to remember if he had been as disoriented as she was.

Selene was sure he'd been completely fine. He'd helped her into the car, snorting and commenting about her low tolerance. She knew she was a lightweight but it didn't make sense for her to be that disoriented considering the quantity she had consumed.

She decided she'd think about it properly when she woke up the next day. Although she suspected she'd wake up with a massive hangover that would make thinking very difficult.

In the meantime, Selene tried to focus her brain cells on finding the girls' building. It would be terrible if she ended up going to the boys' side of camp because she was so smashed. It would be even worse if she passed out on the ground.

She fumbled with her bag, trying to unzip it when someone suddenly stepped out of the shadows like they had been waiting for her. The person had been so still and silent that they almost seemed like a part of the night

"Selene?" The shadow asked.

She staggered back, spilling all the contents of her bag.

"Now you've done it! Whoever you are." Selene slurred as she tried to keep her balance. She tried to focus on who was standing in front of her. She wasn't afraid even though she should have been. It was late, dark, and she was clearly very vulnerable.

She wasn't afraid because she recognized the person in front of her. Oddly enough, there seemed to be two Benjamins looking at her with concern.

Benjamin was standing in the light, looking positively stunning. Despite how mad she was at him, she couldn't deny that he had the most beautiful eyes.

Why couldn't he just be ugly so it would be easier for her to hate him?

Why did he have to have such beautiful eyes?

"Selene? Are you alright?" Benjamin squinted his eyes as they tried to adjust to the sudden light.

She wrinkled her nose at him like he smelt bad. He didn't see the expression on her face since she was still standing away from the light.

"Why do you care? You're supposed to be ignoring me." She tried not to slur her words. She was proud she was still coherent.

"I can't ignore you even if I tried. Things were just...awkward." He bent over to retrieve her stuff which was scattered haphazardly on the ground.

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