Chapter 17

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For the first time in many years, Selene fell asleep the minute her head landed on her pillow without recollecting anything else. Her slumber was peaceful, free from the tormenting dreams that had plagued her for years.

It was barely dawn when she awoke. She sleepily looked around.

Laura had spit trailing down her cheeks. She scratched her butt and turned.

Selene could hear Didi's soft sleepy moans above her. Even without looking, she could tell Didi's lips were slightly parted.

Ruth was the only one who slept with both her mouth and eyes shut. It was a bit strange seeing Ruth's face without the perpetual scowl she wore.

Selene smiled at her roommates' weird sleeping positions as she kicked back her duvet. Her eyes were wide open and ready for the day.

While she brushed her teeth, she kept feeling guilty. She didn't remember until she looked at her lips in the mirror.

The previous night's escapades flashed through her mind. She nearly dropped her toothbrush in the sink.

She had kissed Benjamin—her boyfriend's stepbrother.

"Holy shit!" She gasped and swallowed some toothpaste.

She'd been so disoriented and tipsy the previous night that she'd forgotten she had a boyfriend.

What if Larry found out she'd kissed his stepbrother?

Was it classified as cheating even though it had just been a dare?

She almost convinced herself that it was nothing but a game until she remembered what had gone through her mind while she had been kissing Benjamin.

She spent most of her morning puking her guts out after that. By the time she emerged from the showers—scrubbed and clean—she was pale.

She wondered how Benjamin had felt when she kissed him. They both knew she had a boyfriend.

Was he disgusted?

She doubted this since he'd deepened the kiss when she almost pulled away. At least she finally had the answer to the question she'd secretly asked for years. Benjamin was an amazing kisser.

She suddenly remembered the look of disappointment she'd seen after she kissed him. He'd been searching her face for something but it looked like he didn't find what he wanted.

Why had he looked disappointed?

She suddenly remembered Benjamin had said he was attracted to a girl in the circle.

Who was the girl Benjamin was attracted to?


It made sense for him to be attracted to Didi because who wouldn't be attracted to Didi? The girl marinated in pheromones every morning.

She decided to take a walk to clear her head. She was so disoriented that she left her phone behind. She passed some early risers jogging to keep fit but didn't speak to anyone until she heard her name.

That was when she saw Larry's car.

"Selene! I've been calling you for the past five minutes!" Larry sprinted towards her with a smile on his face.

"Larry? What are you doing here?" Her eyes widened. She instantly regretted leaving without her phone.

Larry hugged and kissed the same lips his stepbrother had tasted the previous night.

"I've missed you so much. Two weeks feels like a year." He buried his nose into her hair.

Selene was forced to hug him. It wasn't that she wasn't pleased to see him, she just couldn't stop thinking about a certain someone.

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