Chapter 24

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Selene almost smiled when she saw the shock that crept into Benjamin's eyes. It was always difficult knowing what he was thinking because he'd mastered the act of remaining expressionless. He blinked at her like she had grown a second head then masked his surprise as effectively as he could.

"I didn't. When was this?" Benjamin asked.

"Doesn't matter." She blushed

"If it doesn't then you can tell me, right?" He pressed.

"Seven years or so. Everyone liked you back then. I'm sure I wasn't special." She shrugged.

"I'm more concerned about you. How long did you like me?" He asked.

"Four years." She rubbed her neck tiredly.

"Four?! Why didn't you tell me?" Benjamin gasped. He didn't bother hiding his amazement this time.

"I tried to. You blew me off." She shrugged.

"That's a lie! When did I ever do that?" He asked.

"I can still remember that day. I summoned courage and decided to ask you out to the movies. I can even remember what you were wearing. A royal blue sweatshirt with those faded black jeans you liked so much. You had your headphones on." She said.

"I don't remember you asking me out." He frowned.

"Well, when I asked, you just froze and said 'I'm sorry, please excuse me'. Shattered my young, tender heart." She snorted.

He didn't smile. He just looked at her with eyes filled with surprise and regret.

"Selene?" He said slowly.


"Did it ever occur to you that I was—oh I don't know, shy?" He asked.

"You were shy?" She blinked like it was an impossible thing.

"I can remember that day as well. I ate garlic and gingerbread before I came to the writing club meeting. I was scared you'd smell my breath which was why I went off to get breath mints. By the time I returned, you were gone." He shook his head.

Selene didn't know what to say to that. She just rubbed her neck and cleared her throat nervously.

"You know what's funny? I liked you. A lot." Benjamin smiled sadly.

"Wait. You liked me?" She gasped.

"I thought you knew. It was obvious."

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asked.

"I was shy, ok? By the time I was ready to ask you out, you were already with Laurence." He said pointedly.

"Wow. That'" Selene picked at her shirt.

"Ugh! I messed things up. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't run off that day." He groaned.

"Well...we'd have probably gone out for the movies. Perhaps I'd never have met Larry that same day." She said.

It was the first time she ever fantasized about being with Benjamin instead. She wondered if she'd have been happier with him. They had a lot more in common than she had with Larry but she was too scared to think about it.

Selene had liked him too much. He'd been so fascinating and exotic to her like that overly expensive meal at a restaurant you just want to taste but can't because it's above your budget.

He was untouchable and unreachable—too well-mannered and composed to have feelings or hormones.

She opened her mouth to say something about how she doubted he'd liked her when his phone rang. She watched him glance at the caller ID and wince.

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