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the skzoo characters are so cutee ahh
and I could immediately tell who's who lmfao

hopefully there isn't any mistakes :/

➥Third person pov

Felix and Chan were completely wet and they tried to unlock the door to their house as soon as possible. Once they did they took of their shoes and just stood there.

"we should have brought an umbrella" Chan blurted out

"that bitch lied to me, it said there was a 0% chance of rain tonight. Then we had to suffer running for 15 minutes" Felix pouted and crossed his arms

"um you mean I ran for 15 minutes, under the pouring rain, with you on my back"

"yea yea same shit" Felix took off his coat and placed it on the floor

Felix stood still for second, and then he started running to the stairs and he went up being careful not to slip.

"Felix be careful you could have fallen"

"but I didn't" he gave a weird funny smile and put his arms so they look like dinosaur arms and ran to his room laughing.

"what a weirdo" Chan screamed loud enough so Felix could hear

"I HEARD THAT" the other was screamed




It was the next morning and Felix woke up, on top of a hard surface.

"ugh, what the fuck" he opened his eyes and he was on the floor


hw was getting up when the door swung open "hey felix have you see-" he stopped when he saw he wasn't on the bed. Then his eyes drifted away from bed to the floor. Chan started laughing

"oh my god, again??" still laughing in between each word

"haha very funny, but my body, it hurts" Felix made grabby hands at the older "you want me to help you sunshine?" Felix smiled at the pet name and nodded

Chan walked over to the other and picked up, gently laying him on the bed. Felix turned to Chan and wrapped his legs around him and pushed him down on the bed. Felix giggled when he saw Chan's face

"didn't you say you were hurt" he put his hands on the younger's thighs

"umm well....I lied" he still had a smile on his face

"you know lying is bad, why did you lie baby boy " Felix pouted and looked away

"I don't know" Felix cuddled into Chan's chest and Chan wrapped his arms around him.

"can we stay like this for a little bit longer?"

"of course baby, anything for you"

So that's what they did, they stayed like that for  almost 30 minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

Felix was calmly thinking about random stuff when he remembered something.

'should I ask him about it?' Felix questioned to himself

'fuck it'

"Channie..." the older hummed

"can we talk about something?" Felix got up so now he was sitting on Chan's lap, this caused Chan to open his eyes and sit up a little too

"oh um sure" Chan said not knowing what to expect from him

"um so...you remember that day that we um went to the movies??"

"oh...yea I do, what's up?"

"well, before we went out, I was curious and..." Felix was scared to say it

"go on sunshine, what happen"

"umm well...your phone dinged and I didn't think anything about it, but it started blowing up so I um...I checked your phone. They were messages from a group chat." Chan's breath hitched when he heard the younger's words

"oh um..." Chan opened his mouth again but nothing came out

"They were mentioning how you had a bet and" Felix looked down at his hands "and how I was the bet" He started tearing up,

"I-I can explain, look yes, it's true. I only said that I like you because of the bet-"

"w-what? s-so what we d-did meant nothing to you?? you've been using me" Felix got off Chan and was crying so hard

"no-no baby listen, yes the bet was real, but after I really did like you, fuck it, Felix I love you. What we did meant so much to me. I'm sorry, i'm really sorry about what me and my
friends did. This time I realized that I really really did love you. I'm sorry I didn't notice before, about your feelings and mine, but I wanna make it up to you, please let me. You mean so much to me and I don't want to lose you, please Lix please-" Chan was soon shut up with a pair of lips attacking his, it didn't take long for him to start kissing back. Their lips disconnected and pressed their foreheads against each other, Felix smiled

"I forgive you, but please don't do anything like that again. I just wanna be able to be with you with nothing or no one getting in the way, promise?" Felix looked into the others eyes

"promise" They intertwined their hands and laid back down for a few minutes.



Felix turned his head to see his phone lit up with a new message

New message from: ( 7660450325 )
Hey Felix, it's me Leo

Leo isn't going to cause problems...but i don't promise that :)


To those of you who celebrate christmas, Merry Christmas (I know it was yesterday but still) and I hope you have/had a great day!! I love you ☃️🎄❤️


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