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i love this song and he sings it so beautifully, innies such an amazing vocalist


➥third person pov

"i'm drunk in youuuu, i'm drunk in-" the brown haired boy stopped singing because he was interrupted by a knock on the door. He stopped the music coming from his phone to go and open the door. As soon as he opened the door he smiled seeing a boy with long blonde hair

"omg Hyunjin you dyed your hair" his eyes widened and his jaw dropped

'he looks so hot' the younger said to himself

"thank you but I already know i'm hot innie" he winked at the other and entered the house

Jeongin mentally slapped himself for saying that out loud. He turned around  and followed the older which made his way to the kitchen

"have you eaten innie?" hyunjin asked

"nope i was going to order a pizza i'm too lazy to cook today" he said sitting down

"you're always lazy" the long haired boy said as he flicked the others forehead

the younger rubbed his forehead and furrowed his eyebrows

"fuck you"

"no i would be the one fucking you don't you th-" he was cut off by the younger slapping his arm

"shut up asshole"

"nooo i was playing around innie" he said hugging the shorter boy from behind

Jeongin didn't say anything he was too comfortable in his crushes arms

"how about i order hat pizza now"

"yea i'll pick out a movie and we can cuddles all night" hyunjin said hugging him tighter


the pizza person knocked in the door and Jeongin went up to answer it getting the money he needed to give.

he opened the door and was met with a very attractive boy maybe a few years older then himself

"hey delivery for Jeongin right??" the boy smirked while looking him up and down making Jeongin uncomfortable

"u-um yea here is the money thank you"

"hey hey not so fast you're pretty cute, my names Jeahyung i'm 24 and you?"

"i-" the younger went to say something but was quickly cut off

"i don't think that's very professional of you Jaehyung" Jeongin turned his head and saw Hyunjin giving the delivery boy a death glare

"woah calm down blondie-"

"get the fuck out"

the boy quickly ran away not before pushing the the pizza towards the taller boy

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