♡︎ 6 ♡︎

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➥Felix's pov

i opened my eyes just for them to close again i didn't want to get up but i had to i looked at the time and it was 2 pm, oh who cares i have all day to sleep...


i got up and ran to get my bag ready and got dressed. i brushed my teeth and put water in my face so i can wake up and also fix my hair a bit and went down stairs to have something for breakfast i put my bag on the chair and i got out lucky charms and the milk and poured the cereal first of course

i was eating and checked the time it was 2:37 pm i had around 20-30 minutes till channgbin came to pick me up

"good morning lix- woah where are you going" chan said

"oh i'm gfing fo a foul phary anf shanffinie isf gfing fo fick me ufp" i said while trying to eat

"what the hell did you say" chan looked at me like if was a crazy person

i swallow my food "i'm going to a pool party and changbinnie is going to pick me up" and went back to eating

"oh ok..." chan trailed off "wait what you don't like parties so why are you going"

"well it's not a party party it's a gathering with his friends and he invited me"

"you just met him yesterday and you're already going everywhere with him"

"so what jealous?"i teased him

he rolled his eyes "nope but lina is coming over so i'll need the house empty" he turned to get his breakfast

"why would you- oh" i'm put my head down and kept eating. He wasn't but now i sure am jealous

"yea oh" he smirked

if only he liked me back, but no he's oblivious even after all these years

i looked at the time and put my bowl in the sink and cleaned it and a few things that were also in it, i grabbed my bag and sat in the living room

a few minutes later i got a text from changbin that he was close and moments later i heared a honk i was about to leave "oh- bye channie i love you" i said leaving after

"bye lix love you too" i heard him saying

i walked to the car and got in and hugged him, i can tell he was surprised, i love hugs but how the hell is he that surprised boy we kissed yesterday

"hey lix you look nice" he said looking at me in my eyes and blushing

"hey binnie thank you look nice too" i blushed too

we started heading to his friends house "um what if your friends don't like me" i worried that i wouldn't fit in with them

"they will trust me i'm going be there too so don't worry" i trusted him and i felt the car stop in front of this really big and pretty house

"wow so pretty"

"wait till you see the inside" he got off but i was still in love with the house so i didn't

the door opened and changbin held his hand out for me, i gladly took it and we started walking to the door he went straight in not knocking

well ok then

next chapter those crackheads are gonna show up lmao

goodnight!!say it back


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