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make sure to prepare for the comeback!!!

also thank you so so so much for 3.9k reads i really appreciate it i'm so happy thank you for read this cringy shitty book!!!! and life usual i did not reread


➥Third person pov

"we're engaged and having a baby on the way"

"WHAT?!!?" the six other boys said

Minho and Jisung were nervous was that a good WHAT or bad WHAT, but soon they were tackled down by their friends who were screaming saying congrats and congratulations wishing them for the best and Jisung started tearing up

"I love you guys so much" the squirrel like boy said crying like a baby

"we love you more Sungie and Min" Seungmin said

"OMG" Felix sprung up and ran to the kitchen making so much noise and the others waited patiently. Soon the freckled boy came back with two bottles of alcohol and some chips and candy

"best way to celebrate is alcohol and food, here Sungie I bought you some alcohol free juice" He gave it to the boy who muttered a small thank you and then set everything down

They were all cuddled up someone watching movies, it was Minho with Jisung, Hyunjin with Jeongin, Changbin with Seungmin and finally Chan and Felix who were barely paying attention to the movie, they were in their own world, talking and leaving kisses on the other every once and a while.

Both of them couldn't ask for anything else they were so happy with each other and their friends, their lives were going just the way they wanted. Almost a year ago Felix thought it would be impossible for him to ever end up dating his best friend, but here he was with Chan all cuddled up telling each other sweet things and "I love you" multiple times kissing and hugging each other never wanting to let go and they won't.

After two movies all the others were fast asleep expect for Hyunjin and Jeongin who decided to watch cars 2, "hey Innie..." Hyunjin whispered to the younger who turned his head facing the older "yea Jinnie??" the older took a deep breathe "I love you so much i realised that I have fallen in love with you Jeongin and i want to be with you, I want to kiss your pretty lips everyday and be able to hug you everyday, take you on vite dates, and just be able to be with you and call you mine, so can Innie can I call you mine l-like can we be boyfriends...?"

Jeongin had his mouth wide open tears falling out of his eyes, he never thought he would hear this from the older at least hear it directed to him. Hyunjin had been crushing on Seungmin for so long he thought he should give up trying for the older to notice him in a romantic way and he would at some point move on...that's if he could move on...but this seemed so unreal to him he was finally given a chance to be with the boy who he has loved for so long.

"yes... yes Jinnie I want to be yours and you mine, I can be yours omg this real i can't stop crying I love you Hyune" Hyunjin pulled Jeongin in for a kiss which was so sweet and passionate the younger giggled through the kiss


it was 9 am and everyone was awake but too lazy to get up

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