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➥Third person pov

!!! Warning: smut !!!
(if you are uncomfortable please skip)
another warning: this is terrible

"are you sure you want to do it right now?" the older asked

"fuck yes"

Chan traveled his hand down to the younger's dick, which was dripping from precum already he rubbed the tip causing Felix to let out a whine.

"f-fuck don't do that"

"shh baby patience" he said in the smaller's ear

He kissed his neck while at the same time starting to stroke the younger's dick. he started off slowly but soon was going faster and faster.

"agh- fuckk faster daddy" the freckled boy moaned out

Chan went even faster and Felix was a moaning mess.

"i-i'm gonna c-"

Chan stopped causing the younger to whine

"daddy why'd you stop, I was so close" he said trying to grab his dick but the older didn't let
him, he gripped his arms and put them over his head

"i want you to come while i'm in you, you understand princess"

Felix nodded

"use your words baby"

"y-yes I understand"


"please just fuck me"

"I need to prep you first baby and a condom"

"no, don't, I want it raw...you're clean right?" he looked into the others eyes innocently

"yes i am, are you?"

"yes yes, now please fuck me"

"fuck me rough daddy"

he lined himself up to Felix's entrance and without warning he slammed into the younger, he screamed out in pain and a tiny of pleasure

"aahhh" He screamed out in mostly pain but soon it was replaced with pleasure

The older kept thrusting in and out as fast as he could without stopping, abusing the younger's hole

"agh- f-fuck that feel so good, faster hyung faster" so that's what Chan did, you would guess they couldn't go any faster but oh boy you are wrong.

"shit shit shit, i-i'm gonna cu-"

"not yet, hold it till I say so, understand?"

"y-yes ahh fuck daddy" Felix reached his hands towards the older's hair and gripped it, they were both a moaning mess, it was so loud the neighbors probably heard it like the scene was right in front of them

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