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➥Felix's pov

me and chan just go off the car and headed in the cafe shop

when we got inside we went up to the counter and started ordering our drinks and stuff. the girl that was taking out order was staring at chan and chan smirked and winked at her.

well great...

before we went to go sit down i saw chan give her a piece of paper, probably his number and just when i thought something between us would happen

he was faking it of course he was. why would he even like me.

we sat down and we started talking bu to didn't mention about what just happened

we got our drinks and snacks. we ate and talked a little bit and then we left the movie wasn't till a few more hours so we went back home

i decided to clean around the house, chan was in the living room so i went to go clean chan's room.

does he really like me or he just playing around with me. i mean it came all of sudden so maybe he is faking it, unless...he really does the. i don't know what to do.

i was passing the broom when i heard chan's phone go off not once or twice but like multiple.

i guess he left his phone here. i looked at it
but decided not to look at it, but it was getting annoying so i was gonna turn it off...

of course...

chan got a few messages from a group chat when i looked i started tearing up

'yo chan did you find out if that freak likes you'

'did you do what said to do?'

'did you say you like him'

'bro imagined if he falls for it lmao'

'your not backing out on this bet right?"

so i was right, why did i even believe it.

i wiped my tears and dropped the broom on the floor. i went to my room and started crying

i'm too gullible sometimes

i kept crying until i feel asleep


i woke up a few hours later by chan. i looked up at him, and my eyes where kinda red still.

"hey wake up sleepyhead we should get ready to go to the movies now" he said

"i don't wanna"remembering the messages

"why baby"

baby???baby??aww thats cute

"ok let's go"

why did i do that noooo, why can't i stop what i'm doing when i'm around him. my heart is saying yes but my head is saying no

let's see where this goes

it took a while to upload this chapter i was busy and yeaterday i was streaming, but today is my birthday august 22 :))


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