♡︎ 7 ♡︎

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➥Felix's pov

Me and changbin walked in and i was shocked. This house was beautiful, it's probably coast more than my life.

I stopped feeling nervous to meet his friends. Changbin looked back at me and grabbed my hand "hey there's nothing to be nervous about i'm sure they'll love you" he smiled

and we started walking to the back yard forgetting that we were holding hands we stopped in front of them

"hey guys this is felix, felix is this hyunjin, minho, jisung, seungmin, and jeongin"

i got stares for a second and i gulped. Then all of a sudden they came up to me

"omg hi you're so cute i'm jisung" this cute squirrel looking boy said to me

"haha thank you"i said back, he was looking directly at my freckles which made me chuckle

"are those...reall??" i nodded


"hii i'm jeongin and this hyunjin" he looked so adorable and hyunjin was hot but i wouldn't date him and honestly it looks like jeongin likes him, but what's sad is that hyunjin didn't pay much attention to the other

"hi i'm felix nice to meet you" i smiled at them

"omg are you australian" a boy popped up next to them

"yea i am my names felix"

"i'm seungmin also you're very cute"

"i'm minho" another said "also are you and changbin dating?"

changbin and my eyes widened "w-what??" he points to our hands, we looked down and saw our hands intertwined and quickly pulled away

"o-oh no we just met yesterday minho" i said

"really?? that's weird" he said and i raised an eyebrow "oh because changbin doesn't hit it off with people that fast. not even with us, it took us a while to talk to him"

"oohhh" i looked at changbin who was now blushing, which caused me to blush too

"ok so now that we met everyone let's go to pool i've been dying to" jisung said

"why didn't you just get in" changbin asked

"well me and minho were in the bath-"

minho started coughing well 'coughing' "what he meant is he wanted to wait till you guys got here"

"what- oh yea haha" jisung laughed nervously

"you know what let's just go to the pool" hyunjin said

"ok let's go" jeongin said they both said going in

➥Changbin's pov

I started taking off my shirt cause i had my shorts on already and i caught felix staring

"like what you see" i smirked before blushed and he turned around taking his shirt off we got to the deep side of the pool then wrapped my arms around felix's waist and pushed into the pool with me

"changbinnieee" felix pouted


we looked into each other's eyes, i admired his beauty. i can't believe someone like him would even talk to me. soon enough we started leaning in

tbh this looks like it going to be a changlix story i- well anygay hope you enjoyed this chapter

goodnight!! i'm so tiredd


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