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➥Chan's pov

We got to the movies and i told felix to go save out seats while i got our snacks and drinks.

i was waiting in line and felt a tap on my
shoulder, and i turned around to see someone who i didn't want to see now

"hey chan i didn't expect to see you here"lina said

"well it's public space isn't it, now can you please leave me alone someone's waiting for me" i said turning around

"someone?? you moved on quick didn't you" she says putting her head down, i rolled my eyes

"well looked like you moved on before we even broke up am i right?" i said

"okay look chan im sorry for doing that to you, i didn't know what i was thinking.I just want you to forgive me, it was mistake and in my defense he came onto me" she tried to sugarcoat it

"it was a mistake?no it wasn't because one you were fully aware of what was happening two you could have stopped him and three you wouldn't be here on a date with him" I said pointing to Brandon hiding behind a walls that lead to the bathroom.

"it's not what it looks like and plus your on a date too" she siad

"it is what it looks like, i also don't care if your on a date and plus i'm not on a date i'm just hanging out with felix" i ordered the food, then got it. i turned around to see lina again rolling my eyes but before i could leave she grabbed my collar and kissed me. i was trying to pull away but i couldn't she grip on my shirt tightly

"i know that little bestfriend of yours likes you, just wanted him to watch" once she said that i looked back and saw a few feet away Felix's chapstick. I know it's his cause he says it's his favorite, i gave it to him on his birthday a few months ago.I looked up to saw felix running away

"shit" i said

"how pathetic that one, why don't we just go back to my house and have a little fun" Shr said trying it sound

"I don't like you anymore, can you get the fuck away from me. Also you don't know, he might have some chance with me" i smirked but quickly turned around leaving Lina standing there in shock

I started going after him leaving Lina with her eyes and mouth wide open. Why did i even make the time to talk to her, i should've just have just gotten the popcorn and go to watch the movie.

i ran to keep up with him and i noticed he had fallen. "OMG FELIX!!" i ran faster to pick him but someone was helping him up i couldn't see due to the wall covering them. I started slowing down and i could finally could see who it was.

"how come of all the places he just had to be here" i said to myself

➥Felix's pov

i was about to go in the theatre room when i had the sudden urge to go to the bathroom, which was far away so I started walking. My lips felt dry so i took out my chapstick, maybe i could get a kiss. Nope i'm joking...unless but as i was about to put it on , i felt my phone vibrate and i look at it seeing it's jisung

hey felixx i know this kinda
last minute but i don't really care
do you wanna go to the movies with me and minho and changbin.
seungmin was going to go but got sick and hyunjin and jeongin are probably doing something i don't want to know
so i'm asking you, can you come i haven't told the rest seungmin isn't going and because i don't changbin to be be a third wheel with me and minho.
we are down the street from the movie at a cafe but changbin may be able to pick you up if you are available

I was about to reply when i bumped into someone

"im sorry" we both said and bowed, i walked away and decided to look up so that doesn't but i wish i hadn't

At first i see chan talking to someone i couldn't see who tho and it all happen so fast and the person, who turned out to be Lina, pulled chan by the collar and started kissing him. i started tearing up, but what made me run was chan was also kissing back.

I dropped something but i didn't care i ran out and kept running and crying. There's no reason i should've done that, he doesn't really like me anyways. It's that, even if he doesn't, it still hurts like hell. I thought that maybe after i read those messages i could change his feelings toward me and maybe he could like me back.

I could hear him calling my name and running after me, but i didn't care i just kept running. I was so stupid to believe i could change how he felt. I started it feel my legs become more and more sore from how fast i was running, you see this is why i never did sports. I suddenly tripped over absolutely nothing and scrapped my legs and arms. It

"OMG FELIX!!" i heard Chan scream

I looked up and i saw Chan from the way i was running from and then Changbin from the right of me run to me and help me up. "Lix omg are you okay" he said while he held my hand to help me up

"yea i am it's just a small thank you" i said looking at my 'small' cut

"small? that's not small come on let's go Jisung and Minho are in the car we can bring you to your house or mine so i can help you" i nodded and mumbled a small thank you. Changbin put my arm around his shoulder and we started making our way to the car.

"FELIX WIAT UP!!" i turn around and chan was standing in front of me

"look lix i'm so sorry i didn't know she was gonna do that, and now because of that your hurt and it's all my fault i'm so sorry lix please forgive me please please" chan begged, but i just needed space

"i have to go i'll talk to you tomorrow, bye chan goodnight" i turned around and started walking just changbin out his arm around my waist and held my arm i put around his shoulder

➥Third person pov

As Felix had turned around, he left Chan standing there with anger and jealousy, not knowing where it all came from.

chan started tearing up, while looking at them walk away

did chan like Felix?

or was it just because his beatfriend had chosen to go with someone he just met instead of him?

Hi guys i'm am so sorry for not updating, i have been so busy with school since i go to physically now and i have been rewriting this over and over again because there was always something lacking. My mom might switch me to online so i'll keep you guys posted.

Again i am so so so sorry but now i'll be able to post, i may post daily or every other day. The grades for this semester are closing so i'll finally be at peace not worrying about turning things in. thank goddd.

i love you guys thank you for reading ym story and i hope you enjoyed!!!


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