♡ 11 ♡

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➥Felix's pov

i woke up the next morning and it was 9 am. So i took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed

i got my phone and looked at it seeing i got a message from changbin


hey lix

hey changbin
goodmorning 😊

so i was wondering
if you'd like to go out today?

oh im sorry
im going out with chan today
we could go maybe tomorrow
if you'd like

oh it's okay
and yea sure tomorrow

im sorry again bye binnie

bye lix


i felt really bad but i had remembered i made plans with chan. honestly i don't how im gonna react seeing after yesterday, but i'll live...


i walked downstairs and saw chan eating breakfast already

i slowly made my way to get coffee and poured it into my mug. At this point i could feel chan's stare so i turned around and sat best to him. I drank out of my mug and didn't say anything

"goodmorning lix" chan said

i looked at him and he was just starting at me "goodmorning channie" i said

"so about yesterday"we both said at the same time and blushed

"well um i just wanted to say i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable-"i cut him off

"nono it didn't cause i liked it and i like you and omg i just said that" i blurted out without thinking

"w-what you like me?" chan asked with his eyes wide open

i mean there's no point in lying now so i might as well say it

"i-i well...yes i do like you chan"i said looking down

"for how long"

"you know not t-that long" i was so nervous

"felix. for how long." he asked again but very seriously

"f-for umm well i-i since i was eleven" i said it i finally said it

i closed my eyes waiting for chan to do something

"why didn't you just say it?" chan got closer to me and i felt my heart start beating out of control

"um well i was really scared, since we're bestfriends and i don't want to ruin our friendship"i said

"well do you know what i have found out recently" he said and i nodded

"i found out that i like someone and i was stupid to not notice them. They were always there but i never realized that i liked them until now" i said, my heart starting breaking i knew he would never look at me in the way i look at him

"o-oh im sorry i shouldn't have said what i said-" i got cut off by chan kissing me...


"and that person is you felix...i really really like you felix" i was shocked

wait is this really happening, this is dream right omg please pinch me

i felt a pinch on my arm and i looked at chan

"i said that out loud didn't i" i mentally facepalmed my head

"yea but no this is not a dream" we both laughed and he reached to put his hand on my cheek. He pulled me in and kissed me and obviously i kissed back we kissed for a while and we pulled away.

"we should get going" chan said

"wait what the movie isn't until later" i said

"no no let's go to the cafe shop"he said

"i just had coffee but another wouldn't hurt"i giggled

"let's go" he grabbed my hand and i got everything i needed and we headed to the cafe shop

hope you guys liked this chapte :))
they admitted their feelings...


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