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(not proofread)


2 months later (sorry i'm lazy)

it's been two months since Felix got the modeling job and he absolutely loved. The staff was so nice and he met so many new people.

right now he was getting dressed for his date with chan, and they decided to go to the arcade. Felix finished showering and wrapped a towel around his waist as he searched his closet for clothes. Soon he layed out a pink skirt with a white cardigan that had pink cat paw marks on it. He slipped on his socks and shoes then went to go do his makeup.

After he looked in the mirror and smiled, he had lipgloss on and some kind of sparky pink eyeshadow and overall a cute soft look. He was about to go when he sat back down and looked at his neck.

"should i cover them or not?" the small boy said running his hand over the hickeys Chan had placed in his neck.

He got his makeup once again and was about to put some waterproof concealer when he heard his bedroom door open and he turned his head around.

"hi babe i'm almost done i just need to cover these up and i'll-"

"no don't cover them, they look so pretty and I want people to know you're taken and that you're mine" he cut off the younger

"then it would only make it right if i marked you" he pouted

Chan smiled and muttered a small "cute" before smirking

"of course you can baby"

‼️it's just making out and hickeys but please skip if you are not comfortable with that‼️

he picked the boy up from his makeup seat making the boy yelp. He sat down on Felix's bed placing the younger on his lap making him wrapped his legs around the older. They both leaned in and their lips touched, it was at first a soft sweet kiss but Chan tighten his arms around the youngers waist deepening the kiss. He licked the others bottom lip asking for an entrence but the Felix denied it wanting to play around with the older. Chan wasn't up for that and grabbed his ass making him open his mouth and moan just like he expected he would. The kiss got messier and messier and Felix pulled out and kissed down to the others jaw and neck, he bite and sucked in Chans neck making him groan. Felix pulled away from his neck smiling at his masterpiece


"let's go Channie"

the older smirked and got up and made his way down the stairs and out the door following behind the younger.

-Time skip to the arcade because i'm lazy-

They walked into the arcade and the smell of pizza, other foods and alcohol instantly hit their noses, today was 15+ day so only 15 year old and up could come. They bought the entrance and Felix immediately ran to start playing the games Chan smiled as chuckled a bit and catches up with the younger.

They started playing many games but right now Chan was playing basketball and playing against some 16 year old. Chan was losing BADLY and all Felix did was laugh at his boyfriend. "why are you laughing??" Chan asked the younger "because you're losing to a 16 year old Mr. Captain of the highschool basketball team" he started laughing some more when their little game ended

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