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don't touch me i'm soft 🥺

➥Third person pov

After Hyunjin carried Jeongin upstairs everyone was left confused. Well all except Seungmin and Jisung, which heard a bit of the words that they exchanged. Jisungs eyes were wide open while Seungmin just had a laughed quietly laughed, which caught the attention of Jisung.

Jisung scooted closer to Seungmin, "what the fuck was that, what the fuck came out of that child's mouth" he whispered

"I've know him the longest and he's always like that, I thought you guys would know by now"

"wait?!?!!so he has said stuff like that in the past" Jisung said dramatically

"yea he's always like that, he just hides it" Jisung looked as if he had seen a ghost. He slowly scooted away from Seungmin back to Minho. Seungmin softly laughed at the other. He looked his phone seeing it was already 1:00 am. He was about to mention it, when he felt
felt someone staring on him. When he looked up and saw Changbin looking directly at him. They were both smiling, but that was soon cut short when Felix go up to Changbin.

"hey" Felix said

"o-oh hi what's up" Changbin looked confused on why the younger was speaking to him.

"umm, i think we need to talk" Felix said scratching the back of his neck

"you think?" Changbin said sarcastically

Felix got nervous

"i'm just joking, yes we can"

They went to another room, which was the kitchen with two pair of eyes watching them as they left.


"so what did you need to talk about"

"umm well first off i want to say i'm sorry, what I did was stupid. I shouldn't have played around with to like that. All this time I had been in love with Chan but I used you to get him off my mind, which of course can't work considering that I live with the guy."

a/n: i don't know how to do this, forgive me D:

Changbin laughed "look you don't need to apologize, plus I was clueless and stupid too. I didn't see what was right in front of me"

"Seungmin?"Felix questioned

"yea, Seungmin" he said with a smile on his face

"I hope you'll be happy with him, you deserve it" the younger smiled as bright as the sun

"me too, and I hope you are happy with Chan, I can see how much he adores you"


"yes really, now I think we should head back over there. Both he and Seungmin did not look pleased"

Felix giggled, "ok let's go"


Everyone was already going into their rooms and Felix and Chan went into theirs.

"what did you and Changbin talk about" Chan looked at Felix with jealousy

"nothing to worry about" Felix turned around

"what's this 'nothing to worry about' thing I can't know" coming up behind Felix and wrapping his arms around his waist

Felix sighed, "I just apologized"

"I still didn't like you going with him somewhere alone"

"don't worry channie, lix is all yours" he smiled

"you're so beautiful you know that right?"

"I guess" he chuckled

"let's just go to sleep, i'm really tired. I'm surprised I didn't get really drunk"

"surprised?? you barely drink"

"yeah I know but last time I was here I got wasted"

"yeah and you were all up on that trashbin guy"

"hey that's rude, it's changbin" Felix said getting under the covers, while Chan did the same

"I could care less what that dudes name is"

"you're so mean, no cuddles from lix tonight" Felix turned his back on Chan acting 'mad'

"no no baby i'm sorry" he back hugged him "please forgive me, i'm sorry"

"fine only because I really like you"

"correction, it's actually because you really love me" emphasizing the word love

"ugh, I hate when you're right"

Felix snuggled into Chan's chest, and they both drifted off to sleep



Felix and Chan both sat up on the bed getting startled by the loud scream

"what in the namjesus was that" Felix said in a deep sleepy voice

"I don't know, maybe we should go check if they aren't killing each other"

"yea yea" they took their sweet time to get up, soon both of them headed out the door and made their way to the kitchen

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO SQUIRREL ?!!?!" the youngest out of all of them screamed

"i-i'm sorry i didn't mean to, it was an accident" the tallest out of all of them said
(a/n: guess who is who: easy mode)

"no no it wasn't an accident, you were fully aware of what you were doing"

"please Jisung forgive me please, i'll do anything just please don't make him do that to me" the taller was being grabbed by the shirt by the the squirrels boyfriend

"what even" Felix and Chan quietly watched from the sidelines. They both looked down and saw cheesecake on the floor and Jisungs skirt was stained

"YOU LITTLE BITCH" and with that the squirrel attacked the other

let's say nothing really bad happened but nevermind it's nothing

I am so so sorry for not updating :(

I was busy with assignments and studying for mid terms, it was so stressful but now i'm in christmas break THANK GOD!!

well i'm done with that so i'll be able to update more frequently now, as you all deserve!!

again I am so sorry :(

I love you all

-ariana <3

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