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-A few days later-

Felix was walking to his work, which was a small cafe shop close by his and Chan's house. He got in with a bright smile on his face and was greeted by his coworkers. He was putting his apron on and was being showered with compliment over how good he looked in his new skirt.

"ooo Felix with a new skirt, wonder who gave him it" Lisa smiled proudly

"thanks Lisa, I love it" Felix said hugging her

"aww, you're welcome Lix!! i'm glad you love it!!" She sorta yelled cheerfully

"so any news on Chan" she wiggled her eyebrows

"actually yes, a lot of news" He smirked, Felix hadn't been at work due to having a break so he had a lot to tell her

Soon they all started working and the bell rang, telling me that a new customer came in.

"Hi, welcome to Pixie Wonderland Cafe what can i get you-" He stopped when looked and saw Chan

"oh hi Channie hyung, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be working?" he was always stuck at the studio and barely gets out

"ahh well I was hungry and I missed you" Chan said making the Felix blush "plus I am taking a break today"

"oh that's good, you needed a break. Now do you want what you usually get?"

"no, I think i'll get what you get"

"ooo yay, you can come to back if you want"

"I was going to go there weather you asked me or not" Felix chuckled


Felix and Jimin were finishing up Chan's order when a new customer came in. Felix told Jimin that he would take care of it. (a/n: yes Jimin from bts)

"Hi, welcome to the one and only Pixie Wonderland Cafe, what would you like to order?" He looked at the boy in front of him, He was way taller than Felix and noticed he had a sleeve tattoo and had red hair, which Felix found attractive

"Hi, umm I think i'll get the a chocolate cheesecake with an oreo smoothie" his voice was deep

"Ok if that is all, what name should I put the order under?" (a/n: is that how you say it?)

"Leo" he smiled, he looked cute (a/n: Leo isn't anyone real just from my imagination)

"Well thank you, you can take a seat and we'll call you when your order is done" Felix turn back to help Jimin bring Chan his order, but was stopped when the guy spoke

"Uh wait a second"

"Yea what's up?"

He looked at my name tag "So Felix, I was wondering if I could get your number" He stared at him for second wondering if he should give the male his number for not"maybe we can hang out sometime, as friends of course"

"o-oh yea of course, um it's xxx-xxx-xxxx"

"thank you, i'll be waiting for my order then" the taller smiled causing the shorter boy to smiled back

'people are so nice these days' Felix thought

He was now bringing Chan his food and drink

"here you go Channie, strawberry cheesecake with strawberry smoothie"

"thank you baby boy" Felix blushed hearing Chan call him that "Can I ask you something real quick?"

"Yea sure Channie hyung, what's up"

"who was that guy over there, he seemed to stay longer than he needed to"

Felix laughed "what? he wasn't even there for that long, but why? are you jealous?"

"what if I am?"

Felix rolled his eyes "if you need to know that is a customer which is my new friend" he smiled

"friends? but didn't you just meet?" Chan questioned

"yea, we just met but he asked for number and wanted to be friends"

"WHAT?!!?!" Chan yelled earning the attention from a lot of people but they could not see properly due to the wall

"omg shut up!!!" Felix whispered yelled

"why would you give him your number, you just met?!??!" he whispered yelled back

"that's how you make friends nowadays dummy, you get their number and hang out"

"ugh, but i don't want you to be friends with him"

"why? he seemed nice" Chan rolled his eyes at Felix

"he seemed nice" Chan mocked the younger

"hey stop mocking me" Felix pouted

"i'm sorry baby, but I just don't get a good vibe from him"

"you didn't even talk to him-" Felix was cut off

"and I don't want him taking you from me, I want you all to myself"

"you don't own me, plus we aren't dating"

"not yet" Chan smirked

"stop it" Felix blushed "ah lix, it's so easy to make you a blushing and nervous mess" he teased the younger

"ugh whatever, now if you'd let me, I have to go do my work" He sat up and was walking back to the smoothie station when Chan slapped his ass

"hey" He glared at the older "dumbass" Felix said to himself while smiling and walking out to continue working


"order for Leo!!" Felix said load enough for the red hired male to hear

He came up and paid before grabbing his food and drink "thank you angel, i'll text you later" he winked and left before Felix could say anything

Thank god Chan didn't hear or see that...or did he?

so new characters!! i hope you guys don't mind, hehe, anygay this is not proofread so there might be mistakes like always, anygay i'm going to sleep soon, so goodnight beautiful people!! 🍓✨🤍


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